Friday 12 June 2020

Our Fantastic Home Learning!

Good morning! It has been lovely to receive lots of home learning pictures this week. 

Isabella has been busy learning about capacity and volume and looking at non-fiction books, just like us at school! She has also had a go at creating art in the style of Paul Klee and scored 26/40 on her Big Maths! Wow! Isabella has been finding capacity a little tricky, just like we are at school so she has persevered with it and has now grasped it. Well done!
Finley has been completing lots of Maths this week and his mum has been setting him some extra challenges to see if he remembered previous learning which is great! He has also been looking over capacity, evaluating Paul Klee's work and picking out the features of a non-fiction book. Great!
It was Rosa's birthday this week and she looked like she had a great day! Her Mum sent me some photos so we could share how she had celebrated. She has also been doing some Maths and learning about Paul Klee. That sounds like a lovely week!

Alexander has been enjoying using his laptop to learn and has been doing learning from lots of areas of the curriculum. His Mum even sent me a video of him reading and it really showed me how he can decode words independently now. Well done Alexander!
Cohen has been using our book to learn all about how to stay healthy. I love how hard he has tried with his writing! I am so impressed! He has also enjoyed making a shop to help him learn all about how to use money. It's lovely to see that big smile!
This week Olivia has been learning about weight and capacity and has been writing all about how we can stay healthy. Fantastic Olivia!
Olivia also enjoyed making a 'social distanced' shop for her family. Her mummy told me that she is absolutely loving learning about money which is so good to hear. I also received some photos of Olivia's brilliant English work, baking and Art!
Amy is now learning at school but she is actually in Green Class bubble so we can wave to her if we see her from afar. She is doing great! Her Mummy sent me some last photos of her home learning. Well done Amy.
Noah has been very busy this week and working hard to complete his challenges. He has been doing all sorts of Maths, learning about Paul Klee and completing reading comprehensions. Fantastic.
Similar to Noah, Sicily has enjoyed completing the work on the 'Home Learning' Y1 tab on our website. Very well done Sicily!
Hollie has also been working super hard at home. She has sent me so much work that I couldn't fit it on one collage. Its great to see Hollie doing lots of spelling and simple Maths as well as the home learning grid activities. Super!
Scarlett told me that she has been on a lovely bike ride and eating creme egg and cookies flavour ice cream. Yum yum!! She has been learning all about capacity and Paul Klee. Notice how she completed some work on why she is an amazing person. This looked like a lovely activity to do! She also got 10/12 on her spellings! 
At school we are following the Home Learning Challenge grid to help us with our work just like you! We have been thinking of lots of different ways to have 'brain breaks' too as we haven't always been able to get outside due to the bad weather. We have been watching 'Jump Start Jonny' on Youtube and doing yoga.
It was Issac's birthday so we sung the Happy Birthday Song! 

Well done Red Class! We miss you!!

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...