Friday 12 June 2020

Home Learning 12.06.20

Hi Blue Class, it's been another busy week full of learning!

Marni has had a very creative week! She has been creating art work inspired by Paul Klee and printing using paint too. It has also been a very exciting week for Marni as she got the amazing news that she has earned her orange belt in martial arts. Wow Marni, I am very impressed!

Oscar has been working really hard on his learning again this week. He has continued to research how to stay healthy by sorting foods and reading non-fiction texts and he has even played food bingo! Oscar has been exploring volume and capacity for his maths learning too, he has compared containers and used a range of language to describe the capacity. Oscar has also been practicing his phonics and reading as well. Wow Oscar, I can't tell you how lovely it is to hear how committed your are to your learning at home!

 Riley has been very busy at home as well. He has planted his own seeds and he has been observing them grow and change. Riley has also been doing different activity books, getting crafty and he even had time for a swim! Super learning Riley, I am so proud of you!!

It has been so lovely to have the chance to talk to some of you on the phone this week too and to hear about what you've been doing at home! You're all doing such a fantastic job, I am very proud of you all so keep it up! 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Maric

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...