Friday 12 June 2020

Feel Good Friday?.....Or Green Class Work Super Hard Friday?

Hi Green Class,

Wow! I can't believe how much home learning I have been sent today in the class email, as well as receiving some pictures from Miss Barnes from the Green Class bubble. I am so impressed! Lets take a look at all you hard work!

Elsie has had a super busy week. She has enjoyed exploring capacity and weight and she used her weighing skills to make a delicious cake. She also had fun completing some White Rose Maths on the computer. In English, Elsie has been exploring non-fiction books with her brother. Elsie has used her non-fiction books to help her find out how to stay healthy. Amazing work Elsie, well done!

David has been working hard to sort fiction and non-fiction books for his English challenge and he has enjoyed solving the tricky problems for maths about capacity. David has also produced some amazing art work inspired by the work of Paul Klee. Well done David!

Lincoln has also enjoyed the home learning challenge this week. He has sorted and found the features of non-fiction books, had lots of fun exploring capacity and he has also created an amazing piece of artwork inspired by a famous artist. Fantastic learning Lincoln, as always! Well done!

We have a new member of our Green Class bubble. Daisy has joined Indee. They have been working very hard completing the same learning challenges as everybody at home. It looks like they have also been keeping fit with Joe Wicks in the morning. I bet Miss Barnes got you two doing this, well done!

We can't wait for our other children to join us next week in the Green Class bubble. If you are learning at home or in school, keep trying your best and keep sending me your pictures and I will put them on the blog for you all to see.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Love Mrs Gill

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...