Friday 1 May 2020

This Week's Home Learning

Hi Red Class! It was so lovely to speak to you all on the phone and I really enjoyed hearing about all the things you have been doing. Here are some pictures of home learning completed this week.

Lots of you have really enjoyed learning about Rangoli patterns. Amy has done some useful research about them before designing and making her own. Well done Amy.
This week Olivia has been busy doing lots of spelling and writing about her dragon's actions. She explains how it can glide and swoop! She has completed Maths and a lovely Rangoli pattern too. 
Here is Annabella carefully using lego to help her with addition and subtraction. What a good idea! Brilliant work Annabella.
This week Ava has enjoyed NumBots, doing maths in colourful felt tips, writing about her terrifying dragon, writing a poem and designing Rangoli patterns. All of Ava's work is brilliant but I particularly enjoyed reading her poem! It definitely made me smile.

Below is Isabella's learning from this week. She has been super busy!! She has completed her Big Maths within the time limit and got all of the answers right which means she can move on to the next one! She has also done super spelling, Maths and writing. Amazing work Isabella!!
Ellie has created a beautiful Rangoli pattern and she has even used glitter! She has enjoyed using base ten to help her with her Maths and has completed additional work using BBC Bitesize. In the picture you can see her work on mini beasts. Well done Ellie!
Below is some more magic Maths! Finley has used different methods of working out this week. He has used number lines, 10s and 20s frame and the part whole model. This is fantastic to see!
We have loved seeing all of your learning this week and look forward to seeing next week's work. Look out for the new learning challenges on Monday morning! Have a lovely weekend.

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...