Wednesday 6 May 2020

Home Learning

I have received so many pictures and news about your home learning this week which is brilliant! You have all been so busy and are still trying so hard. Very well done Red Class.

Alexander has done so much work this week I just could not squeeze it all onto my blog post so I chose a selection. He told me that his strawberry plants are starting to flower and how he has also been planting seeds. Well done!
This week Teddy has been doing some addition and subtraction and is still enjoying NumBots. Super!
Amy has also been very busy over the past week. She has been doing fantastic Maths, coming up with great dragon verbs, making bunting for VE Day and even making pizzas!
Here's Leland trying so hard with his learning. He has done English and some Maths. Great job Leland!
Noah has been doing a range of different learning activities. He has completed, spelling, creating Rangoli patterns, using fantastic verbs to describe his dragon's movement and even some Maths. Keep it up Noah.
I have received lots of emails from Isabella this week, showing me all of her work. She has been perfecting her times tables, Big Maths and grouping. She has also been speaking to her Great Grandma all about VE Day and her Grandma said that her street had a big party. Well done Isabella. You are putting so much effort into your work.
Sicily has also been learning about VE Day this week. She has written some facts about it and has tried so hard with her handwriting. She also lost a tooth!
Annabella has been busy making her own time capsule this week to explain what she has been doing while staying at home. Lovely idea!
Heidi has been recapping addition and subtraction and has been looking at the inverse which is very tricky, so well done Heidi! She has done brilliantly. She has also been doing lots of riding on her very shiny new bike!

This week Rosa has been learning how to tell the time, making bunting for VE Day and learning all about it and she has even completed her Maths. Well done Rosa, lots of hard work!
Here's Scarlett looking very pleased with her Maths work. She has also been doing baking this week. Yum!!
Olivia has been using pens and pencils to help her 'group' in Maths. She has also been drawing arrays and learning all about the history of VE Day.
Finley has been so busy completing LOADS of Maths!! He too has learnt some facts about VE Day. Well done Finley, I think you might be a mathematician when you're older!
Esme has been doing lots of writing this week to explain the facts that she has learnt about Rangoli patterns and VE Day. She has also beautifully described the way her dragon moves. I love how she explained that it glides slowly.

Phew, that was a lot of learning!! I love to see it all each day. Hope to hear from you all again soon.

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...