Wednesday 6 May 2020

Home Learning 06.05.20

Hi Blue Class.

Another little update on the fantastic learning that you have been doing at home!

Harrison has been busy at home building a new wildlife pond with his Dad for his tadpoles! They are very lucky, I think they're going to love their new home. Harrison has also been spotting different birds in his garden too!

Oliver and Isabelle have been working together to complete their home learning. They have been adding numbers to colour the picture correctly. Can you tell which animal it is? It's lovely to see Oliver and Isabelle reading too. Well done!

Amber has been busy researching India and she found out that India is the seventh largest country in the world! Amber found India on a map and drew the flag too. Amber has also been using verbs such as 'zooms', 'swoops' and 'jumps to describe how a dragon moves, I love how Amber has used 'and' to extend her sentences as well! Super learning!

I have really enjoyed seeing Elise's home learning. Elise has been adding and subtracting numbers using a number line, identifying 2D shapes, practising her phonics and Elise has created a Rangoli pattern. I am really impressed with the verbs Elise has used to describe how a dragon moves, my favourite sentence is "The dragon screamed as it soared and raced through the air". Wow Elise! On top of all her home learning, Elise has also been busy at home helping to prepare meals, gardening and she has also learnt to ride her bike without stabilizers! Keep it up Elise!

I am blown away by all of the work Clara has been completing at home! Clara has been breaking codes using her maths skills, partitioning numbers and practising her number bonds to 10. Clara has also been completing SPaG sheets to make sure she is using the correct spelling and grammar in her writing. Clara has been reading and answering some comprehension questions and she has even had time to create her own Rangoli pattern! Well done Clara, I'm very impressed!

I have been busy too. I went for a long walk with my family to a hidden beach that we had all to ourselves. I'm not surprised it was so quiet, as it was a tricky climb down to get there! I have also enjoyed being in school and getting to spend time helping lots of other children with their learning as well.

I hope you're all well and staying safe!

Miss Maric ðŸ˜ƒ

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...