Wednesday 13 May 2020

Home Learning from Green Class

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all having a good week. I just wanted to pop on and share some more of the home learning that has been sent to me in the email box.

Alfie has had a really busy week. He has been doing loads of different learning at home and helping his dad by potting some plants. Alfie has also been on a bike ride up to the trig point near my house and left his rock up there. I wonder if he saw mine?

James enjoyed celebrating VE Day with his family. He found out some amazing facts and decorated his window with pictures of Spitfire planes. It looks great James! James has also worked hard to complete his other learning challenges. Well done!

As well as trying really hard with her home learning this week, its looks like Alissa has had lots of adventures outside. I love how you have shown equal groups using Lego Alissa, what a great idea! That rope swing looks so much fun too. And what a great picture you have taken of the swans nest.

Anthony has also been working super hard and completing loads of home learning. I love that you have used a globe to help you this week Anthony. What a great idea! Anthony has also lost all four of his top front teeth. The tooth fairy must has been super busy visiting your house!

I just wanted to say how amazingly proud of you all we are Green Class. You are all working so hard at home with your grown ups. I can't wait to see more of your home learning this week. Stay safe and keep having loads of fun.

We miss you all!
Love Mrs Gill xxx

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...