Friday 1 May 2020

Home Learning 01.05.20

Hello again Blue Class!
What a lovely week it has been. I have thoroughly enjoyed speaking to you all on the phone and catching up with you at the beginning of the week! 
Here are some of the things that Blue Class have been doing...

This week Amber drew her own dragon and used adjectives to write a description. Amber has also been busy baking (and eating) corn flake buns, painting rocks, clay modelling and Amber has used her sewing skills to make a little case. It was lovely to catch up with Amber on the phone and she is looking forward to coming back to school to see everyone again. 

It's great to see that Oliver and Isabelle have been completing their learning together at home as well. Oliver and Isabelle have been using 'was' and 'were' to fill in the missing gaps, using their phonics to help with their spellings and they have also completed lots of addition calculations. Well done you two, excellent learning!

Evie has been doing lots of learning at home with her Mum and sister. Evie has researched and written about dragons and she found out some interesting facts about India. Evie has also been doing science experiments, baking, having scavenger hunts in the woods and Evie's favourite activity was decorating balloons to tie on trees during a walk to thank the NHS. Evie has also learnt how to ride her bike without stabilisers, wow Evie! Miss Donald and I can't wait to see all of your work in your new folder too!

It's fantastic to see what Lennie has been up to at home over the past few weeks. Lennie has completed lots of learning by telling the time, researching facts about India, measuring items with rulers, counting in 5's, reading and he has been finding the answers to addition and subtraction questions. Lennie has also been enjoying riding his bike, going on walks and baking with Mum! Super Lennie!

Imogene has impressed me this week too with her learning. Imogene has been focusing on science and learning about animals, their adaptations and what they eat and Imogene has also learnt about human bodies and senses. I loved how Imogene has recorded her facts about India on the computer, well done Imogene!

I have loved seeing what Tegan has been up to this week. Tegan has been busy completing her maths work which has involved counting in 2's 5's and 10's and Tegan has also been adding and subtracting! She has also been thinking of verbs to describe how a dragon moves with her sister. It was really lovely to hear all about Tegan's learning over the phone, she is missing Blue Class very much and can't wait to come back. Me too Tegan! 

Hannah has been working super hard at home again this week! Hannah has mastered using tens and ones to add and subtract, made a Rangoli pattern using flour and I have been blown away by the verbs Hannah has used to describe how a dragon moves. My favourite is "The dragon's claws curl around the rocks when it climbs" wow! Hannah has also been catching up with friends and she has been making delicious dinners for her family (cottage pie and fajitas) yum! It was lovely to catch up with Hannah on the phone as well, what a great week!

Louis has had a very productive week too, he has used verbs to describe how a dragon moves, created his own Rangoli pattern, found the answers to lots of addition and subtraction questions, practised his spellings and he had been reading too. Louis has also been having fun blowing bubbles, building with cups, playing Minecraft and thinking of some good jokes to tell me on the phone! Keep up the good work Louis!

Aniya has had a very busy few weeks at home. It is lovely to see that Aniya has been doing some maths and literacy work. As well as her home learning Aniya has also been very busy with lots of other things, she has been riding a digger with her Dad, going on walks with her sisters, helping Mum with gardening, braided her hair (it looks beautiful!), finished a huge puzzle, baked, facetimed her friends and she has even learn to ride her bike on two wheels! Wow Aniya!

Oscar has lots more to share this week! He has been reading, completing SPaG mats, working out 'one more' and 'one less' of numbers all the way up to 100 and it is lovely to hear that he is becoming more confident with his number bonds. Oscar has completed lots of addition and subtraction problems by keeping the number in his head and counting on. Oscar has also enjoyed baking this week and having a sleepover with his brother, watching movies and eating treats! What a lovely week!

It's so nice to hear that Archie is enjoying doing his home learning each day too, Mum and Dad are both super proud of how hard he is trying. Archie has been busy counting numbers to 100, partitioning numbers into tens and ones, adding and subtracting, using adjectives and verbs to write his description of a dragon and Archie has even been looking for the signs of Spring! Well done Archie! 

Thank you again to all of the parents and carers for helping with this fantastic learning. It's been so nice to see so many photos and messages this week! Keep it up Blue Class!

🌈 Miss Maric ðŸŒˆ

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...