Friday, 24 April 2020

Home Learning 24.04.20

Hello again Blue Class! 
Wow, another week filled with lots of exciting learning!
I have been so happy to receive so many emails with more lovely messages and photos keeping Miss Donald and I up to date with your home learning.

This week Amber has been learning some new spellings with her sister and Amber has planted her own desert island. I'm looking forward to seeing an update once it starts to grow! 😃

Breeayla has had a very fun-filled week! Breeayla has been recognising alien words, practising her spellings, completing lots of maths calculations and working out one more and one less! On top of her home learning, Breeayla has also baked cookies, a carrot cake and even made and flipped pancakes, delicious! The most exciting news is that Breeayla learnt how to ride her bike without stabilisers this week, Mum said there was no stopping her! Well done Breeayla!

It has been lovely to hear how motivated Louis has been with his learning this week, especially in his maths! Louis has practiced counting to 100, practised his number facts and he partitioned numbers up to 100 into tens and ones. Louis has been very creative too, he has thought of some excellent adjectives to describe how a dragon looks.. my favourite was 'sharp and pointy claws'. Excellent learning Louis!

Marni has been making the most of the nice weather and has completed most of her learning outside this week! Marni has planted seeds, measured objects, read books and even made a den and camped in the garden. I loved reading Marni's writing about a magical dragon who lives in a 'luxurious cave', what a brilliant adjective!! Super Marni, well done!

I was pleased to see that Oscar has even more learning to share again this week, wow! He has added to his dragon facts and labelled a picture of his dragon which he has described as having 'little beady eyes' and an 'enormous spiky tail', it sounds terrifying!
Oscar has been partitioning numbers and using base 10 to represent this too. Oscar has even had time to read, practice his phonics, go on bike rides, walk and he has collected and decorated stones to leave in the local area. Amazing Oscar!


It is great to hear that Mylo has been busy at home too! He has been counting in 2's, 5's and 10's and practised doubling and halving. Mylo has been joining in with Joe Wicks PE classes, learning about animals and habitats in his science learning and he has been writing letters. Mylo is even writing his own story about a pirate which I can't wait to read. As well as his home learning, Mylo has decorated his bedroom, baked a cake, been on nature hunts and found a secret den (can you spot this in the photos?). Mylo even had time to make and paint his very own dragon, wow it looks brilliant! It is so nice to hear how proud Mylo's Mum is too, it sounds like you've been a fantastic big brother Mylo. Well done! 

It is lovely to hear that Hannah has enjoyed this week's learning challenges. Hannah has been on nature walks to look for signs of spring and she drew pictures to record what she found. Hannah has been writing detailed sentences thinking carefully about her use of punctuation and spelling. I love how Hannah described a dragon as a 'legendary creature' wow! 

It is lovely to hear how proud Calum's Mum and Dad are that Calum has been completing his learning activities. He has been looking for the signs of Spring and he has created a beautiful painting to record what he found. Super learning Calum, well done! 

I really am so proud of how well you are all doing at home and I want to say the biggest thank you to all parents and carers for being so creative, the activities look so engaging and what a brilliant job you are all doing!

Miss Donald also wanted to share this message with you:

Hi Blue Class!

I hope you're all ok and you've had chance to get outside in this beautiful sunny weather - I certainly have!
I'm missing seeing your smiley faces everyday and having little chats but i'm sure you'll have lots to tell me when we come back - I hope you haven't grown too much otherwise myself and Miss Maric won't be able to recognise you!!
I've really enjoyed looking at the pictures on the blog and have loved seeing all of things you've been doing at home, it looks like you've been very busy :-)
Take care everyone and I'll hopefully see you very soon.

Miss Donald x 

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...