Thursday 30 May 2019

Wednesday 22 May 2019


This week we have been thinking about distance.  We have used the language far, near, closer and furthest. 
We made paper aeroplanes and went outside to fly them.  
We counted how many steps they had flown and then wrote 
the number of steps in chalk.  
We then tried to make them go even further.
How many steps did you plane fly?

 We launched space buggies and rockets down a tube 
and measured how far they went.  
Can you roll a ball and measure how far it goes?

Monday 20 May 2019


During R.E this term we have been learning lots about Jewish celebrations. Over the past two weeks we have been looking at Hanukkah and Passover. We made our very own Sedar plates on paper plates and we assessed out learning using post-it notes and challenges. Have you spotted some of our Sedar plates in the window? Take a look inside our presentation book too if you want to look at our learning.

Friday 17 May 2019

Seder Plate

In RE with Miss Malcolm we learnt about the importance of the Seder plate and the reason why they put all of the different foods on it. We designed our own plates using pastel and then we had to give each other feedback on their plates. It was lovely to see all of the nice things other children liked about our work. 

Can you remember the 6 things?

Thursday 16 May 2019


This week we have been thinking about Mental Health and identifying different emotions we have. We looked at the characters used in 'Inside Out' and then we designed our own feelings monsters. We drew our monsters and wrote sentences explaining the different feelings and giving some ideas of how we can change our feelings to Joy!

After making our posters we went and shared them with green class, they were fab listeners!

Wednesday 15 May 2019


This week we have been learning about Mindfulness and how to calm down if we feel a little bit worried or anxious about something. We have also been discussing who we can talk to and what we can do to make ourselves feel better. We have created Mindfulness booklets which show our learning and yesterday we shared them with Blue Class. There were some lovely discussions between the children and they could all confidently explain situations which are in and out of their control and the steps they can take to deal with them.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Great Fire of London Workshop

Last week Year 1 started to learn about the Great Fire of London. We took part in a fantastic drama workshop where we learnt all about the different events and acted them out. We learnt lots of important facts too, to help with our learning!

Can you explain to your grown up which event these pictures show?
PS- Don't forget to learn your line for our showcase next week! 

Money, Money, Money!

Recently we have been learning all about money! We have been learning about the value of each coin and ordering coins.

 Yesterday we moved onto making different amounts using a mixture of different coins. We thought of 2, 3 and even 4 different ways of making total amounts!

Can you work out which coins you need to make 25p, 34p and 60p? 
Why not have a go at paying for something in a shop with coins?


This afternoon we showed our learning to Red Class about mindfullness and calming down. We made posters, booklets and showed them techniques to feel relaxed.

Monday 13 May 2019

Marvellous Maths!

We have been learning about sharing and halving amounts.  
We have been 'Problem Solving Pirates'. 
We found out that not all numbers are even numbers and that 
odd numbers can't be shared equally between 2.  
Can you remember which numbers can be shared 
equally between 2?
9 moon rocks shared between 2 planets equals 4 remainder 1. 

We explored filling jugs and cylinders half full, full and empty.

 We cut food and play dough food in half.  
How many parts were you left with when it was cut it in half?

Planting Fun!

We have been planting sunflower seeds.  
Can you remember what we are doing to look after them and help them to grow?
 This week, we are exploring making Alien Grassheads.  
We have been following instructions to help make them.  
What do you think will grow out of the top of the Grasshead?
Can you explain how you made one?

Friday 10 May 2019


This week we have been playing 'Snap' in class. This is when we asked two people a question and whoever is the quickest at answering, wins. Here are some of the questions you could use at home to play with a partner:

  • double 12
  • double 15
  • half of 16
  • half of 4
  • 3x3
  • 5x5
  • 4x5
  • 2x7
  • 10x7
Can you be the first to answer?


We have been telling the time this week. We have been finding quarter to and quarter past on a clock but also finding an hour before or after a time. We talked about that one hour is 60 minutes.

How many minutes are in:

-2 hours

-10 hours

-4 hours

What can you do in 1 minute..... 10 minutes....30 minutes... 1 hour??


Yesterday we retold the story of Hanukkah and talked about how the people felt when the Greeks destroyed the Jewish temples. We discussed what it feels like when something of your own becomes broken and how that makes us feel. Here we are created our storyboards to show the story.

Thursday 9 May 2019

Royal Tea Party

Last week Year 1 were very busy writing letters to the Queen. We told her all about the different sights you can see here and explained why she should come! The Queen must have been very impressed because she made the journey all the way to our school to visit us!

We each made a royal crown to wear and enjoyed a tea party lunch. When her majesty arrived we made sure we gave her a grand entrance by waving our flags and playing the national anthem. We then had the chance to ask the Queen the questions we'd prepared. We found out about her corgis, the new royal baby and all about Buckingham Palace! What a fantastic afternoon!

A Royal Tea Party

This week we had a very special visitor at our tea party!

Last week Year 1 wrote letters to the Queen inviting her to our tea party.

We wrote about all of the lovely things that you can do when you visit Sheffield. We also asked lots of questions about London and then the Queen answered our questions in person!

Unplugged ICT

We have been learning about branching databases and how these can be used to sort information.

We had great fun completing some branching databases and answering the yes and no questions to sort the different minibeasts. Mrs Gage then set us the challenge to create our own, it was super tricky but we worked as teamwork trolls and didn't give up!

Could you make one at home to sort different materials?

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...