Sunday 31 January 2021

Home Learning 2.2.21

 Hello everyone, 

This week we are learning about the story of the Little Red Hen. Have a look at some of the learning you could do at home, and remember we love to see photos of what you are doing so please keep sending them in to us on the nursery email. We also just want to say a big thank you to all the parents and carers who are trying really hard to keep up with our zoom sessions or the learning activities provided, and even if you haven't managed to we know that you are all trying your best no matter what. So thank you and well done!

We miss all the children and can't wait to see you all soon!

Love all of your Nursery Teachers 

Friday 29 January 2021

Goodbye and Good Luck!

 Today is Mrs Perkins last day with us. On behalf of all the nursery children and parents we would like to say a big farewell to her and we hope she enjoys her new job! I know we will all miss miss her lots!

Love From

The Nursery Team 

Brilliant maths home learning

Jude has been a Focused Fox during his  maths lessons this week. He can confidently find equal groups and solve division word problems. We are so proud of you!


Amazing home learning

 We are incredibly proud of all of the children who are learning from home. Here are some examples of their fantastic home learning. This week the children created their own marvellous medicine to help grandma be less grumpy and mean. The children have worked really hard to write their own set of instructions. Well done Orange class!  

Pink Class Music Performance

 This week Pink Class have used the egg shakers to create music. 

All children were really focused to keep in time with one another and sing 5 little monkeys. 

Here is our performance.

We hope you like it, 

Pink Class 

Thursday 28 January 2021

Jack and the Beanstalk

This week we have been learning the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We have made our own beanstalk pictures, had fun re-telling the story and made up our own ending to the story. But was there a happy ending? 

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Pink Class Home Learning

 Hi Pink Class

Over the past few weeks I have been blown away with all your efforts at home schooling. I also want to take this opportunity to thank all parents and careers for your continued support helping your child access all zooms and google classroom. 

I would also like to celebrate children's work. Please see all of the amazing work that has been produced over the weeks. 

Well done everyone,

Keep up the brilliant work, 

Miss Greenhoff and Mrs Critchley

Marvellous Medicine!

 I had so much fun creating a marvellous medicine with you all on zoom this morning and then writing instructions for it. We had another fantastic turn out with all children engaged, listening and answering questions. Keep up the hard work Turquoise Class! We can't wait to see more of your work!

Tuesday 26 January 2021

Run Run as fast as you can...

 Hello again children, 

Our Gingerbread man has been sending us a few more pictures this week. Where has he been, do you recognise any of them?

Monday 25 January 2021

Home and school learning

 Good Morning!

We have had a fantastic first three weeks of learning at both school and at home. Myself and Mrs Gage are so proud of you all.

We have received pictures of super learning through our class email and are really enjoying hearing about how work is going at home. We have also really enjoyed seeing the children in school try hard with their learning and we know they miss their friends very much!

Everything you need for each day is on Google Classroom along with some other useful bits and bobs. If you want to do anything extra, 2, 3, 5  and 10 times tables, key word spellings and reading are all great things to be keeping up with.

 Keep up the hard work Turquoise class.

Miss Cross

Sunday 24 January 2021

WOW Amazing

 I would just like to take this opportunity to say well done to all children in Lilac Class. I am so proud of the learning from both our children in school and at home, you are all amazing. Thank you to all parents for your support and efforts in these difficult times, you are all doing brilliantly and should be extremely proud of the outcomes your children are producing, because of your support! I know that we can continue to work together, to provide the best possible remote learning, until all children can return to school. As I always say, please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further support. 

Have a super weekend, I will see you all on Monday!

From Miss Beaumont

Please enjoy a few examples of learning in Lilac Class!

Saturday 23 January 2021

Home learning 24.1.21

 Hello everyone 

Here is another week of home learning challenges for you to try at home. Remember we love seeing you photos so please send them in to and someone will get back to you. 

Love Nursery

Friday 22 January 2021

Our self portraits inspired by Frida Kahlo

We have really enjoyed creating our self portraits which have been inspired by Freda Kahlo. We have experimented with different printing techniques to create the background. We then sketched our self portraits using a mirror and carefully painted them using our knowledge of colour mixing.

Thursday 21 January 2021

Edward Jenner

We are really proud of Jude's home learning this week. He has enjoyed learning about Edward Jenner.

Tuesday 19 January 2021

Run Run as fast as you can ...

 Where has the Gingerbread man been this week? Do you recognise any of the places he has been? Can you draw a picture of somewhere your gingerbread man could travel to? 

Monday 18 January 2021

Home Learning 18th January 2021


Hello everyone, we hope you had lots of fun in the snow the other day. Here are this week's learning activities. 

Love from Nursery 

Thursday 14 January 2021


 Wow, can you believe how quickly the snow came down today?!

After I had finished doing some work this afternoon I made a snowman with my family. What do you think?

What could we name him or her?

I really hope you've all had a play in the snow this afternoon! I have loved receiving your snowman pictures. You have built some amazing ones! 

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...