Thursday 16 July 2020

Last Red Class Blog of This Year!

Hi! I have a lovely long list of learning photos to upload this week. Our amazing home learners have continued to work hard right up until now which is so amazing!

Alexander has been super busy yet again. He has been baking, doing Maths, reading lots of books and riding his bike! Very well done.

Isabella's Mum has sent me lots of emails full of photos of her work this week. She has been doing lots of Maths and even had a go at writing about 'What the ladybird heard'. I really liked how Isabella had a go at spelling things herself first. Super work.

In that first photo Cohen is holding a real life shark at the beach. He was so interested and inspired by it that he chose to make his shark using junk modelling. He has also been busy recapping all of his Maths learning. Well done Cohen!
Finley made a super duper robot with his 'junk' or recycling that his family had saved. I love how it is covered in tin foil! Well done on your Maths too Finley.
Here is Hollie busy with her work too. Again, she has been going over past spellings, Maths and key skills which is amazing and will really help her. Wow!
We are so proud of how Mia's writing has improved. She has been trying so hard and it has paid off! Well done Mia. 
Noah spent lots of time carefully matching the arrays in Maths this week, writing his super sentences and even using greater than and less than to compare the fractions. I love how you have challenged yourself Noah!
Olivia looks so happy with her achievements in these photos and so she should be! Lots of effort has gone into her work again this week. Have you noticed her amazing recycled materials dog?
Look at Rosa's recycled materials elephant! I love it! Well done on your writing and Maths too Rosa. Super efforts!
Finally, Scarlett has been busy with her number bonds, sequences and animal matching. Great work Scarlett!

Wow so much learning again!

A message from myself and Miss Crump:

We would just like to say thank you so much for all of your support this year. It has been a different one but there have been so many positives! It has been amazing to see the amount of resilience, determination and effort that has gone into learning at home by both children and parents or carers. We really do thank you.

Here is the link for our end of year video for the children.. just in case you haven't already seen it. We are so proud of them all.

Have an amazing Summer and see you soon! 

Lots of love,

Miss Cross and Miss Crump xxx

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...