Monday 22 June 2020

Home Learning!

Hi!! Here are some photos of the brilliant home learning photos I have received in the past week. It is great to see how much you are all still doing. I know it is hard to stay motivated but just know that all the things you are all doing is going to help you so much when you are back at school. We miss you all lots and can't wait until we can be together again!

Isabella has been super busy riding her bike, using money, completing money problems, sorting herbivores, carnivores and omnivores and writing her own leaflet about being healthy. Amazing Isabella!!

Finley had a go at using a different Maths method this week which will really help him. He was so resilient and carried on even though he found it tricky. He also had a go at reading his key words! Brilliant work Finley.

Rosa has been busy sorting herbivores, carnivores and omnivores and she has been doing some absolutely fantastic writing. What a super star!
Hollie's Dad told me how proud she was of her work and she is right to be! She has been working hard to improve her writing, spelling, simple Maths, red words, money and Science! Wow!
This week Alexander has been learning all about space! He didn't know much about it so he has been watching Professor Brian Cox. We know that as well as reading, watching documentaries is a great way to learn. He has also done some writing, reading, reviewing our book 'Oliver's Vegetables' and has made a pyramid! Phew! He has done so much work!  
Olivia has been using real toys to help her with her Science. She has been sorting them carefully.
Noah completed his Science this week too. He has also been learning about money and made a shop. Noah was very happy that the football season has started again and dressed up in his favourite team's kit to watch their match! 
It seems like we all really enjoyed the Science this week. Here is a photo of a very proud Cohen holding up his work. Red Class always seem to love learning about animals.

Keep it up Red Class! You are amazing!

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...