Tuesday 30 June 2020

Home Learning 01.07.20

Hello Blue Class!

I hope you are all well, Miss Donald and I are missing you all very much but we've loved seeing your learning this week!

I'm so impressed with Harrison's learning this week! He has researched Jessica Ennis-Hill and created his own fact file, he has applied all of his writing skills in English to create his own leaflet about keeping healthy, he has been solving number problems in maths and using money, Harrison has also categorised animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Wow Harrison!! It has also been an exciting few weeks for Harrison because he was chosen as the home learning superstar, he had a visit from a beekeeper and some of his tadpoles have grown into tiny little frogs!

Riley has been busy at home too. He used play dough, straws and beads to create his own monster! Fantastic Riley!

Hannah has been very busy too! She has been using different coins to create different amounts of money and Hannah even practiced by using coins to pay for something in a shop too, wow! Hannah has been solving number problems and researching the Olympics and Jessica Ennis-Hill too. Well done Hannah! Hannah has also enjoyed a well-earned trip to the seaside with her family and she's been busy building garden furniture as well. You must be worn out from all this fun and learning Hannah! Fantastic!

  Oscar has really impressed me this week too. He has been using different coins to represent the same amount of money, he practiced counting in 2's, 5's and 10's using coins too, Oscar has been learning about a range of insects for his Science learning too, he recorded the facts using conjunctions to extend his sentences. Wow! It was a super exciting week for Oscar last week as he received his certificate for being the home learning superstar for all of his hard work! Well done Oscar!!

I'm so impressed by your commitment to your learning and how motivated you still are. Well done Blue Class!

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...