Friday 5 June 2020

Green Class home learning and our Green Class Bubble

Hi Green Class,

I hope you have all had a lovely week. It's strange this week as some of us are continuing our amazing learning at home, whilst some of us have started back at school in our Green Class bubble.

Here is some of the fantastic learning from home I have receive in the class email this week.

Alissa has been working super hard with her maths learning. She has been comparing the weight of different objects and labelling them to show her comparisons. She has also been using her knowledge of measures to do some baking. She made some delicious cookies with fudge pieces in. Well done Alissa!

Marcus has been busy with his learning challenges. He has loved writing about his dragon and completed some fantastic maths. Marcus has also been helping to lay some new turf in his garden. Well done Marcus! As well as having loads of fun at home with his sister.  

David has been keeping busy with this weeks learning challenges. He said that they really challenged him and made him think. David has also been having lots of fun outside in the sunshine. Keep up the good work David!

Indee is our first member of Green Class to go back to school into our bubble with Miss Barnes and Mrs Perkins. More children will be joining him soon, but for now lets take a look at what he has been doing at school.

Indee has been having fun in forest school and he has enjoyed playing football. He has been doing activities to show what he has enjoyed doing whilst being at home and he has completed the geography learning challenge all about comparing the physical and human features of Beighton and India. Well done Indee!

Miss Barnes is also in our Green Class bubble at school. She misses you all very much and can't wait until we are all back at school together!

I am still working from home and looking after Joe and Grace. I have been working hard on the class email and the blog as well as other jobs for school. I have also enjoyed being outside this week in the sunshine and rain! We have spent a lot of time on the garden, been to play football in the field and we even went on a Gruffalo trail!

Please keep sending your learning into the class email, I really love to see everything you have been up to. Also, keep checking the blog to see pictures of your friends in school and at home.

We miss you!
Love Mrs Gill xxx

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...