Monday 8 June 2020

Fantastic Learning!

 Myself and Miss Crump are enjoying being back with some of you but we miss having the whole of Red Class here!
Here are some photos of our 'Red Class Bubble' children enjoying their morning Joe Wicks workout and completing the weekly Maths challenge. We have found capacity a little difficult to understand but we are being resilient and will try again tomorrow. 
We received lots of exciting home learning pictures this week and we enjoy looking at them together on the board. 

Hollie has been doing lots of work this week. She has been completing her Maths, comparing India and England and spelling. Well done Hollie!
Rosa has also been doing Maths and enjoyed drawing the scales. She has also been learning about her local area and India and has been looking at how we can stay healthy. Super!

Isabella has been comparing Beighton to India and has drawn human and physical features. She also wrote some brilliant sentences! Fantastic.
Alexander emailed us to tell us all about his learning too. He explained how him and his family had been for a lovely walk. He also told me how the strawberries, potatoes and gooseberries than he has been growing are almost ready to eat, just like when Oliver eats them in our story! He has been enjoying reading and completing his Maths too. Wonderful to hear!
We also received lots of photos from Noah. He has been using photos to explain the differences between India and England. There are lots of photos of the Maths work so I think he enjoyed that very much! Good work Noah. 
Cohen has been learning all about Paul Klee and re creating some of his work. It looks like you have really taken your time and tried really hard with your artwork Cohen. Brilliant!
Scarlett explained how she has been doing some extra spellings which is great and she has almost finished her book. She explained how her grandparents came over for a chat in the garden at a distance. She also sent us lots of photos of her being a 'human weighing scales'. Keep up the hard work Scarlett.

Well done Red Class!

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...