Thursday 21 May 2020

Keep it up Red Class!

Hi!!! We have received lots of brilliant work again this week. It is great to see that you are all trying so hard and staying focused. Myself and Miss Crump are really proud of you!

Alexander has been busy doing lots of Maths, learning about the features of India and he has even completed his Big Maths within the time! Take a look a little closer on the middle picture to see his fantastic drawing of the Taj Mahal.

This week Esme completed a little challenge to see if she could spell of her key words. Look how amazing her score is! She also had fun doing our Science experiment and created a fantastic piece of writing about her dragon. 
Finley, like Alexander has completed some great drawings of the features of India. He also completed lots  and lots of Maths! It is his favourite subject!
Heidi has had a great week completing lots of Maths and measuring the rainfall. She used this website:
to give her ideas for even more learning! I love how her mum used my name in her Maths worded problem!
Below is just a fraction of Isabella's work. She has done so much!! Here you can see her seeing which materials are absorbent and which are waterproof, super Maths and her super writing. Well done!
This week Leland has been learning all about VE Day, writing an amazing description of his dragon and using counters to help with his Maths. Fantastic!
Noah has been using the computer with his big brother to help him with his work, he has been drawing all the features of India, doing some great Maths and editing the WAGOLL and WABOLL. Keep it up Noah!

Amy has written an amazing dragon fact file and she even used commas! Take a look at the way she has used sweets and stickers to help her work out the answers to Maths problems. I love the way she edited the WABOLL just like a teacher would!

This week Rosa has enjoyed completing the Science experiment and has written some lovely sentences showing her findings. She has also finished her dragon writing. Well done!
As well a doing fantastic Maths, using her work books and completing her Science experiement, Olivia has been learning lots of life skills this week. She has been learning to cut and cook vegetables (supervised of course!) and hoovering. What a busy week you have had Olivia!
It has been lovely to see lots of your learning once again! We hope you all have a lovely long weekend and we hope the sun shines for you! 

Miss Cross and Miss Crump

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...