Wednesday 13 May 2020

Home learning

Hello Pink Class!!
We have had another week of fab home learning that I would like to share with you all.
Indie had a fantastic time with her family last week and went on a nature walk. During the walk she learnt all about mills, mum said they had a brilliant time! Indie has also been missing school so much she put her school uniform on, this made me smile a lot!

Betsy has also been busy learning all about VE day, creating beautiful bunting and watching videos of our hero's in WW2. I hope you enjoyed celebrating with your family on Friday!
Ahmed has been super busy creating his "that's not my crocodile" book. He has done a fantastic job describing all the different body parts as to why it's not his crocodile. Ahmed has also been super busy learning about weight, mum and Ahmed made balance scales and Ahmed explored which toys weighted more than others. Fantastic Ahmed keep up the good work!

 Emmie has been super busy learning about VE day with her sisters . Emmie's great grandparents served in the war so it was a lovely day learning and remembering how they helped save our country! Emmie has also been super busy having water fights, learning about weights and writing independent sentences. This is fantastic Emmie, Keep it up!

Isabel has also been learning all about VE day, as her great grandparents too served in the war. As a family they baked a cake, created bunting and learned about all the people who helped save our country. Hope you had a lovely day remembering loved ones.
Unfortunately, I cannot upload the pictures but believe me the cake looked yummy!
Willow has also been super busy creating her "that's not my dinosaur" book. She has explored all different materials and I have really enjoyed reading your book, your handwriting and spelling has come along massively. You should be super proud. Willow has also been exploring different materials and categorising them into light and heavy. Sounds like you had a busy week. Well done and keep up the brilliant work!

Thank you for all your hard work, I know it must not be easy juggling work commitments and home schooling your child\children but I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all your efforts. Keep going! you have all been amazing.

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...