Tuesday 12 May 2020

Home Learning Photos

Hello again everyone. Here are some more wonderful pictures of what you have all been getting up to at home. I am once again so proud of you all keeping busy and safe at home. 
Abi has been busy at home learning in her sticker books, playing in the garden, painting rocks and she has even learnt to write her full name. Fantastic Abi!

Abi's very own busy spider!

Super adding up Abi! 

Alice has been busy learning about the very busy spider too and here are her web, busy spider and one of the characters. Well done Alice!

Amelia made a super spider web for her spider, god threading Amelia!

Charlie decided to draw the very busy spider and then his Mummy was very proud because he wanted to draw some children in his picture too. 

David has been very busy at home too. He has been counting and adding objects together, making spiders and spider webs and he even visited Nursery because he is missing his friends. 

Ethan has been throwing and catching in his garden, learning about the very busy spider and retelling the story and has had a go at adding up small amounts.

Farah has been retelling the busy spider story, learning the sound of the week and making it out of pasta and even made a spiders web. 

Hannah has been focusing on her pencil control by tracing letters and words. 

Zach has been adding small amounts together, baking (he even made a spider bun), making his own busy spider and has been helpful cleaning up the kitchen.

Tony has been retelling the story of the very busy spider.He also had a go at making his own instrument and made a guitar. That looks like a lot of fun Tony!

Jacob did some good threading and made his own spider webs to help retell the story too!

Henry has planted some seeds in his garden. I wonder what they will grow into?

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...