Wednesday 6 May 2020

Home Learning from Green Class

Hi Green Class,

I hope you are all having a good week. How fabulous was the story from Miss Barnes? I hope you all enjoyed it, I did! Thankyou Miss Barnes!

Here are the photos I have received so far this week. Keep up the good work everyone.

Isla has really enjoyed finding out all about VE Day. She has researched the topic, found out the answers to the questions set and even painted her very own flag on cardboard to wave on Friday. Isla has also worked hard on her English learning. Well done Isla!

It was great to hear from Daisy this week. She has been sorting materials and she has enjoyed creating an amazing Rangoli pattern. Fantastic work Daisy!

Ava has been enjoying the fresh air outside as well as completing her research about VE Day. She said that she found it a little bit hard to remember all the dates but she kept trying. Fantastic Ava, well done! You always try your best.

Alissa has learned to ride her bike without stabilizers. Well done Alissa! I am so proud of you!
Alissa has also been working hard on her learning and has enjoyed a walk up to the trig point to look at all the painted stones. Did you find Miss Barnes's stone Alissa?

Lincoln has been working really hard on his maths this week. He has completed some addition and subtraction calculations. Well done Lincoln, this is great!

Anthony has also completed his English learning. Just look at his fabulous dragon and amazing writing to go with it. Wow Anthony, I am so impressed!

It has been an exciting week where I live this week. The swans who live at the pond up the road from me have had their babies. The eggs hatched on Sunday. Here is a picture of the signets with their mummy and daddy. They are so cute. We are going to walk up later to have another look.

Enjoy the rest of your week Green Class, and have a lovely time celebrating VE Day on Friday with your families in the sunshine.

Love Mrs Gill xxx

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

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