Monday 11 May 2020

Home learning and VE Day Celebrations

Hi Green Class,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and a fabulous time celebrating VE Day with your family.

Here is what you guys have been up to over then last few days.

Lincoln has produced some amazing learning and also helped to decorate the front of his house for VE Day celebrations. It looks great Lincoln!

Hollie has been busy making the most delicious chocolate cake. Wow Hollie, it looks amazing. I hope you enjoyed baking with your mum! Hollie has also been playing Monopoly with her family and she can now read the 'chance' cards. Fantastic!

Jude has really enjoyed completing his history learning challenge. He has been looking at photos of WW2, that he found really interesting. Jude has also made some bunting that he displayed in his window for VE Day. It looks great Jude!

Ava has worked super hard to design a fantastic medal for VE Day. She has also been on a family walk to the trig point to look at all the painted rocks.

David has had a very busy weekend. He has worked hard on his learning challenges and also had a lot of fun washing the car and riding on his scooter. David also enjoyed a walk past school with his family. Hopefully it won't be too long until we are all back at Beighton together!

Jaxon has had a great weekend celebrating VE Day. He has designed an amazing medal and helped his mum get ready for a special afternoon tea party. I hope you all had fun!

Marcus has been really busy this weekend. He has completed his learning and also spent a lot of time playing in the garden, in the sunshine. I love the idea of using stickers to show equal groups. Marcus also saw Jaxon on his daily walk. I bet it was nice to see each other boys!

Miss Barnes has had a great weekend celebrating VE Day with her family. Look at the fab decorations that Willow and Poppy have made. They look great girls!

We have also had a brilliant time celebrating VE Day at my house. We made decorations and bunting for the house and Joe drew a picture of a Spitfire plane. We also went to a street party on our road. It was great fun!

Guess what Green Class, you won't believe it. Some children from Joe's school have started leaving painted rocks at the trig point near my house, just like at the one at Beighton. So, this weekend we also painted some of our own rocks and went and left them at the Birley trig point. I wonder if they get as many as the one at Beighton?

It has been lovely seeing everything you have been up to over the weekend. I can't wait to see the pictures of your learning and fun activities this week. I hope you enjoy the learning challenges!

Stay safe and have fun,
Love Mrs Gill xxx

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...