Thursday 14 May 2020

Home Learning 14.05.20

Hello Blue Class!

 Elise has been busy this week. She has been using the suffixes 'er' and 'est', made pancakes using a recipe and she has also divided numbers using the sharing method. Well done Elise!

 Louis has been completing lots of learning too. He has been reading books and giving predictions, he has been learning about VE Day and he has been using whole-part models to partition numbers. Louis has also been building structures using Lego, playing in the sprinklers in the garden and riding his bike with his sister Maisie! Excellent Louis!

Oscar is doing a brilliant job of his learning too. He has been reading books, sharing numbers into equal groups and recording the answer, practising his SPaG and his phonics and he's even been telling the time! Super learning Oscar!

Hannah has had a very exciting week. Hannah turned 6 today too, Happy Birthday! Hannah has been reading and practicing maths at home but she has also been very crafty. Hannah has made her own castle and has carefully painted the furniture to go inside the castle. Well done Hannah!

Miss Donald has been very busy too. Miss Donald has been outside in the garden and she has been going on walks, she even spotted a swan sat on it's nest! Miss Donald has been baking cinnamon rolls and she also visited her Nana and Grandpa (from a distance) to celebrate her Grandpa's 90th birthday, wow! Miss Donald is missing you all lots and hopes to see Blue Class soon!

I have been enjoying spending time outside too. Today I went on a walk in Thornton-le-Dale with my family. We also spotted some wildlife, some geese with their goslings! I have also planted some seeds which I'm looking forward to seeing grow. They're supposed to be lettuces, forget-me-nots and basil!

I hope you're all well and I'm already looking forward to seeing more of your messages and photos next week!

Miss Maric

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...