Tuesday 5 May 2020

Fantastic Home Learning

Hello Pink Class,
Thank you for answering my call and letting me know about all the things you have been up to. You all put a big smile on my face.
I know you have all been super busy and thank you for sharing your home learning with me.
Emmie has been super busy learning how to tell the time and creating a panda book, Emmie has really focused while creating her book and she cannot wait to show everyone.
Thanks Emmie for sharing your work, Keep it up!

Joshua has also been a super star and has really enjoyed making and finding different dinosaurs. He has used his dinosaur book to help him find out different facts about dinosaurs. I can't wait to hear all about dinosaurs when we are back at school. High Five Joshua! Keep it up!
Jacob has been very busy learning how to spell his last name, playing with his 3 brothers, and writing all about his creature. I am amazed with how brilliant your imagination is. Mum says you have been very eager to learn, Well done and never give up!
Indie has been super busy and was telling me all the great things she has been learning with mummy and daddy over the phone. She has been very eager to learn and has been enjoying writing words with different diagraphs, answering real life maths problems, going on walks and looking at all the wildlife. She was lucky enough for a butterfly to land on her nose. I'm glad your having a good time Indie, enjoy and keep up the good work.
Isabel has also been super busy making dinosaur moulds, playing with her little brother, baking daddy a birthday cake and making him a beautiful banner. I hope the family enjoyed the day as much as possible. Well Done Isabel, keep it up!
Willow has been super busy learning all about different materials, practising ballet dancing, going on walks with her family and finding the gruffalo den, learning how to share in maths using sweets. It sounds like your days are full of fun. Thank you for sending me pictures it makes me super happy. Keep it up.


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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...