Thursday, 16 April 2020

More pictures

Hello again everyone.
I hope you had a lovely Easter. I woke up today to find lots more pictures from some of you so I wanted to share them on our blog! Naomi and Tony had a go at making an Easter bonnet hat. They look fantastic!

The weather has been beautiful. I have enjoyed being in my garden and my girls had their paddling pool out this week.  It's been nice to see you all enjoying your gardens, planting seeds, playing with bubbles and going on outdoor walks.

Lots of you have been having fun indoors at home too, helping to clean up and baking. Sofia and Naomi your buns looked delicious! 

Alice has been enjoying playing a game learning to add 2 numbers together. Well done Alice!

Bella enjoyed reading the story from our home learning list. Have you read it yet? 

Lots of Love 
Miss Challoner 

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...