Tuesday 28 April 2020

More from Green Class at home!

Hi Green Class,

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend in the sunshine. I just wanted to pop on and show you what I've received in the email box over the weekend.

Ava has been super busy again. She has completed her sentences about her dragon and she has been enjoying using the new app Numbots. Ava has even found time to change the colour of her hair. I think she looks like Ariel from 'The Little Mermaid'.

Isla has been doing some amazing maths learning this week. She has completed the home learning and has also been doing a daily White Rose lesson. She has also been putting her maths skills to good use in family games of Monopoly. Isla teamed up with her brother and they won! Has anybody else been using their maths skills to play board games?

It was great to hear from Sophia this week. She has been super busy completing her learning challenges as well as helping around the house. She has been painting the fence, potting plants and even making fruit kebabs for the family. They look delicious Sophia! Well done!

Annabelle has also been super busy completing all her learning challenges, as well as finding time to get some extra learning in there too. I love your dragon you have made out of craft materials Annabelle, what a great way to extend your learning.

Hollie has finished her Lego sets that she got for her birthday. Well done Hollie, this must have taken you ages! It looks like you really enjoyed it.

It looks like Miss Barnes has had a great weekend too. She taught Poppy and Willow to make pancakes and they found the Gruffalo Den! It only took them a 7k walk to finally find it!

We have also been enjoying the beautiful sunshine this weekend at my house. We had the paddling pool out and also went to the local pond. We found loads of tadpoles in the pond and watched the ducks playing in the water. What wildlife have you seen on your daily walks?

I can't wait to see all the pictures of this weeks home learning!

Love Mrs Gill

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...