Monday 20 April 2020

More amazing learning at home!

Hi everybody,

I just wanted to pop on to post the pictures I have received over the weekend showcasing some more of our fantastic learning from Green Class members. We love seeing what you have been doing at home with your families.

Lincoln has completed all the learning challenges from last week and he is eager to get started on the new challenges too. I love your well thought out facts Lincoln, and your presentation is outstanding. Keep up the good work!

Annabelle has been getting creative out in her garden. She has  designed and painted her very own Rangoli pattern. She has also been working hard on her English learning. She has designed a dragon called Spike. I can't wait to read more about him over the coming weeks. Fantastic learning Annabelle!

Marcus has also been working super hard at home. He has been completing his own maths and English challenges with his mum and sister. This is great Marcus. I can't wait to see more. Keep it up!

Miss Barnes has been spending lots of time outside this weekend with Poppy and Willow. They have been exploring Beighton Conservation Area and looking for tadpoles. Has anybody else spent time here on their daily walks?

We took Ava's idea of going on a scavenger hunt this weekend. We had a great time, thanks Ava. Joe and Grace loved searching for the items on the list and we even found a den in the woods.

I am so excited to see everyone's learning for the next set of weekly challenges Green Class. Keep working hard, being good for your grown ups and having fun. Send your pictures to

We miss you all!

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...