Monday 6 April 2020

OH THE PLACES YOU'LL GO - Monday's Story - Week 3

Bore Da Melyn (Yellow)!!!!!

I hope this message finds you well? I'm sorry I didn't post a story on Friday. I was hunting all day for the pirate story that I wanted to read to you but unfortunately, I couldn't find it anywhere. I searched high and low but no, no luck!😞😞😞

So instead, I thought you might like to hear 'OH THE PLACES YOU'LL GO' again. I remember reading it to you when I first joined you back in January. I think that it's quite possible that your Mum's and Dad's will enjoy this one too!

Keep sending in your pics and emails. I really do miss you all so much and really love hearing from you!

I hope you're enjoying the sunny weather and can get outside to play in your gardens or go for some exercise with your family. I'm enjoying my daily walks as well as doing lots of baking and cooking. I also bought a new book on Saturday so I'm looking forward to sitting down with a nice coffee and getting into that.

Well, I'll sign off for today. I'll be back tomorrow with another story. I would love to hear which one is your favourite story so far. 

Stay safe my lovelies!

Missing you as always!

Mrs L xxxx 

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...