Friday 7 June 2019

Fabulous fruit kebabs

On Thursday we went to the dinner hall and made healthy fruit kebabs. First we had to wash our hands and the fruit so that they didn't have any bacteria on them. Next some of us got chosen to chop the fruit into pieces, but not before we had peeled the bananas! After that we chose the fruit we wanted to put on the kebabs. We could choose from pears, apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. We all wanted to finally eat them but first Miss Stanley had to take a photo of them first. 

"They were delicious and juicy" - Reece
"We enjoyed them very much and wanted to have more but we couldn't" - Thomas
"They were so so nice and all of the fruits were lovely" - Harlow
" They were so so nice that the fruit was nearly all gone!" - Rebecca
"The bananas were really slippery when we put them on the skewers" - Emily W

By Orange Class

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...