Thursday 28 February 2019

A visit from Warburtons

To start off our new topic 'Food Glorious Food' we had a visit from Warburtons.

We learnt about food hygiene and safety, which is why we had to wear our hair nets and aprons!


 We were also shown how to make a sandwich. We had a choice of healthy fillings such as ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and tuna.

We even got to eat them after, they were delicious!

What would you have in your sandwich?

Heeley Farm

The Nursery children had so much fun at the farm this week. We saw lots of different animals and even got to handle some smaller animals. The sun was shining for us which made it even more wonderful a day! Have a look at some of the photos from our day.

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Warburtons Workshop

This afternoon Green Class took part in a fantastic food workshop led by Warburtons. The session started with us learning about the history of Warburtons, along with finding out some very interesting facts. Did you know that Warburtons makes over 2 million bread products every single day? 

Then we talked all about healthy eating and looked at each of the different food groups. Next, we got ready for our sandwich making! We donned our hair nets and aprons, as we learnt all about food hygiene. We didn't want to contaminate our lovely sandwiches with hairs from our head or germs from our clothes.

We then made our own delicious sandwiches with some tasty but healthy fillings!

Finally, we enjoyed our tasty creations! What did you put on your sandwich? Can you identify which food group each ingredient comes from?

People Who Help Us!

Welcome back!  

We've had a great start to our new Topic 'People Who Help Us!'

We  drew and wrote about what we already know
 about people who help us.  
What do you already know?

We made emergency vehicles out of different shapes. 
What shapes can you see? 


We have been playing dominoes with shapes and naming the shapes as we play. 

We have also used shapes to make emergency vehicles. What shapes can you see?

We have been on a shape hunt this afternoon and worked as Teamwork Trolls. 

Tell your adult what shapes you found.

Guess Who?

We had so much fun dressing up as 'People Who Help Us'
Can you guess who we are and what our job role is?

Tuesday 26 February 2019

People Who Help Us

We have started our new term off looking at 'People Who Help Us' The children looked wonderful yesterday when they dressed up, well done everybody.

Below is our homework bingo board and language mat for the term which have both been sent home in book bags. The language mat is to help the children learn the language we will be using throughout the topic. 

Friday 15 February 2019

Dance Celebration

Thank you to everyone who came to see our performance of the African and India dances, today. The children had such a lot of fun practising and learning the actions and we hope you enjoyed it just as much as we enjoyed performing it for you all. 

Thursday 14 February 2019

Food Glorious Food

We can't wait to start our new topic next half term - 'Food Glorious Food'.

Below is the subject vocabulary which we have sent out this week along with some home learning ideas too. 

Have a fantastic half term!

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Chinese New Year

The children have had great fun learning all about Chinese New Year and linking it to other areas of their learning. 

We used Chinese dragons and gold coins to solve addition problems. 

We wrote good fortune messages to hide inside our red envelopes and fortune cookies. 

We used the Chinese alphabet to address our envelopes to our friends and family. 

We practised writing Chinese numbers and used them to record our additions. 

We had fun tasting Chinese noodles, prawn crackers and fortune cookies! 

We listened to traditional Chinese music and used a range of instruments to make loud, quiet, fast and slow sounds. 

We even made our very own Chinese drums. 

We made blossom pictures and then concertinaed them to make Chinese fans.  


                We built dragons using Lego, Octons and shapes. 

Can you remember how to say Happy New Year in Chinese? 

                'Gung Hay Fat Choy' (Just in case you've forgotten) 

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...