Friday 16 November 2018

Waterproof or Non-waterproof?

Earlier on this week in Blue Class we had an investigation to find out which materials are waterproof and which materials are not.

At the moment we have a thief taking our books from our classrooms, so we wanted to make hats so that we could go outside in all weather, to try and find more clues.

We started our experiment by making a list of all the things we would need to test our hats to see if they were waterproof.

We discussed our method using our time adverbials and then we made our hats!

Some of the children used tissue paper, some of the children used cellophane and others used felt.

Once we had made our hats we asked Bertie our class bear to help us test them.

We poured water over the different hats and then sorted our materials into waterproof and non-waterproof.

Blue Class found out that the cellophane was waterproof because it didn't let water through but felt and tissue paper did, meaning those materials were non-waterproof.

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...