Friday 30 November 2018


This week we have been learning how to multiply. The children understand it as 'groups of' for example 3 x 2 would be 3 groups of 2.

Here are some practical examples of the ways we have made our groups.

Thursday 29 November 2018

Look who visited our Nursery!

We were really excited to find some footprints in Nursery. We thought they might belong to the Gruffalo and to the mouse. We measured how big they were and said which was the biggest and smallest footprint. We compared the size of the footprints to our own feet. 

Beware...The Gruffalo is on the loose!


In PE we have been learning about the different ways you can travel.

We have been moving close to the floor and travelling underneath the apparatus.

We have also been moving around in a high position and finding different ways to travel over and along the apparatus.

Recycling Rubbish

After lunch on Monday, Blue Class noticed there was lots of litter left outside.

In Geography we have been learning about how to change our local environment so we decided to collect all of the litter to make our playground a nicer place. 

We learnt about the consequences of littering and how it can hurt our wildlife and spread germs.

We then worked out what material each piece of rubbish was made out of.

After this we were able to work out which materials we could recycle. 
Lastly, we sorted our rubbish into the different recycling bins.

Can you think of any other ways we could help our local environment?

Adding and finding number facts

This week, Red class have been revisiting addition. They have been using different resources to find number facts within 20. 

What number facts do you know? 

Grouping materials and recycling

This week in Year 1, Red Class have been litter picking around our school grounds. They have been grouping the materials and learning about which can be recycled and which can't. The children have been learning about why we recycle and the importance of this. 

Monday 26 November 2018

Big Maths... Beat That!

Equal Groups

This afternoon we have started to explore multiplication. We investigated making equal groups and explaining how many there were in each group. We used these STEM sentences to structure our thinking and created equal groups. 
There are ________________ equal groups.

There are ____________________ in each group.

There are _______________________ altogether.

Super Spellers!

In Green Class we have been doing lots of spelling practise including writing in sand, painting our key words and playing the beach ball spelling game!

What fun ways have you been practising your spellings at home?


Last week we were busy partitioning in maths. We were separating two digit numbers into tens and ones.


We used the part whole model and a tens and ones table to help us.
We also used numicon and base ten to show our partitioning.

Have a go at partitioning these numbers at home:

Friday 23 November 2018

Showing off our Chocolates!

This afternoon Orange, Yellow and Turquoise class went into the hall to look at everyone's chocolates, packaging and their adverts. We wrote on post-it notes the things which we liked about the chocolates and we left these with the chocolate so that it would make the children who made the chocolates smile.

It was really fantastic to see everyone's creations and to give feedback. 

"I liked your chocolate because it was bright and colourful"

"I like is because it makes me want to eat it!"

"I liked this chocolate because it has a lot of crunchy biscuits"

"I like this chocolate because it is enticing and colouring"

PE Workshop

Green class were lucky enough to be involved in a special PE workshop on Thursday, where we did Archery! We learnt how to set up our bow and how to use our bunny fingers to pull back the elastic ready for firing!

Then we had a go at shooting at different targets. Some of us managed to hit the board on our first ever go! 

What other sports would you like to have a go at in our PE lessons?

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...