We dressed in rainbow colours to show our support for the day. It was amazing to see the effort the children and their parents had gone to. There were some children in their smartest and brightest ware. There were also some children sporting fabulous home made t-shirts and it was amazing to see the talent in the artwork - such fantastic creativity! We loved the face paints and hair dos! What an amazing effort towards the day and lots of funds raised to a fantastic cause!
It really benefits the children to be aware and accepting of the differences in all of us. It is nice to celebrate those differences! Our open door session on Tuesday really embraced this feeling, where the children thought about how we could be a good friend to a child with Autism.
Below we have some pictures of children in their amazing, technicolor outfits!
Children, please can you leave a comment about the day? It would be lovely to know what you can remember!
Mrs Temprell
Home Learning w.c. 21st June
Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home. You can send in any pictures or messages ...
We are really excited for our new topic Heroes and Villains! Below is the subject vocabulary which we will send out in homework books b...
We have started our new term off looking at 'People Who Help Us' The children looked wonderful yesterday when they dressed up, well...
Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning about fiction and non-fiction. We have had fun looking at books and pointing out the fea...