Thursday 15 February 2018

Visiting the old London Bus

The children had an exciting time visiting the old London bus in the school playground today. They enjoyed exploring the bottom and top deck of the bus and thinking about how buses look today and how they looked in the past.

We had a great time pretending to go on different journeys and singing along the way! Mrs. Fyfe even read us our afternoon story on the bus, which was called "The Naughty Bus". This was all about a mischievous toy bus that got into all kinds of trouble whilst on it's adventures!

See if your child can remember what number bus came to visit and perhaps draw or paint a picture of the bus over the half term holiday and bring it in to show us.

Many thanks,
Mrs. Fyfe


  1. Lovely photos. They look like they had a great time. Such a good thing to do after a long term. Thanks!

  2. I loved the bus. It was big and red. I liked the high seats.
    Love Molly xx ��


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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...