Friday 26 January 2018

Our learning this week


We have had another whirlwind week!
Firstly, we have been sharing a new book in class called Lost and Found. The story involves a little lost penguin and it is a great book for the children as it promotes the moral values of friendship and helping one another. These are values that we are always looking to promote in school!

The children have had the chance to use role play in their English lessons this week. They have used a mask to pretend to be the penguin or the boy character from the book. The children pretending to be the boy have asked their friend the 'penguin' questions from the book such as 'where do you come from'? This has been really beneficial as they have been learning about how to ask a question and also how to write a question, using the all important question mark (decorated full stop)! The role play also helps the children see things from others' point of view. 

Here is Jack from our class having fun pretending to be the boy from our story!

This week has involved ice, ice and more ice! Needless to say the children have really enjoyed their interactions with it! For our Topic work we have used Rainbow Talk to discuss ice using our senses.

Here is Ben joining in on our group discussion on ice!

We have also used ice in our Maths lessons on time. The children held a piece of ice (again a very exciting sensation) and timed how long it took to melt in minutes and seconds. 

We also had another great session in the library, where the children eagerly chose books to take home to share with you. If you can please return the book ready for each session on a Tuesday then they can swap it for a new one.

This Wednesday morning we will be having a special forest school session as part of our Topic lesson. We will be using instruments to imitate different weathers such as rain and sunshine etc. The children do not need any special clothing but can they please have their usual winter coats, gloves and hat as we will be outside all morning weather permitting!

Here's to another great week!

Mrs Temprell

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Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...