Wednesday 31 January 2018


Our library day is Friday. This is where we will visit the school library and change our library books. Please return any library books on this day.

Thank you

Maths Workshops – Reception & Year 1

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Maths Workshops, I have already received lots of positive feedback, which is appreciated.

If you would like to buy a set of Numicon and/or Base 10, they are still available to purchase on our schoolgateway.

I mentioned in the meetings that I would be posting ideas on the website on how to use your Numicon & Base 10 at home. Why not take a look at the first two on the Maths curriculum page...

If you have any questions feel free to come and see me on Orange Class Ladder.

Miss Stanley
Maths Lead

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Oh no not the Evil Pea!!

After playtime, we returned to the classroom and we couldn't believe our eyes!  The Evil Pea had escaped from the freezer! 
Look at what he did to our classroom!!

 We were shocked!! Supertato to the rescue!!


We had great fun following instructions to make our very own Supertato! 
Supertato has super strength and is kind and helpful.

Walking the spoon plank

We had lots of fun 'walking the spoon plank'. 

Evil Pea certainly got up to his tricks today! 

What do you do when an 'Evil Pea' comes into your classroom?

Well Red Class had a big surprise when they came in from their break time. 

EVIL PEA had escaped the freezer and was playing tricks on all of the vegetables! 

Where is Supertato?  

Height and length

Red Class have been learning a whole range of new vocabulary in maths this week!  

It is so much fun.   

We Won!

We and FOBBINS want to say a huge THANK YOU to all the parents, carers, friends, relatives and staff who shopped at Asda Drakehouse (and voted for us with their Green Tokens) in the lead up to Christmas. Your support has paid off and is very much appreciated!

Monday 29 January 2018


We have loved our PE lessons this half term. We have been practising a dance on 'Weather.'
We have loved listening to the music and dancing.
This week we will evaluate our dance and see how we can improve by performing to each other.

Hot Seating

We have used hot seating to ask questions about our story 'Lost and Found'
Can you remember one of our question words?

Friday 26 January 2018

Phonics sounds

Next week the phonics sounds are 'w' and 'z'. Please bring any items into Nursery which begin with these sounds. The children are enjoying sorting the sounds independently and sharing what they have brought in, with the rest of the group. 

Shape and Number of the Week

Thank you for sending in items relating to squares and number 4 this week. Next week our number of the week is 5 and the shape of the week is triangle. 

Nursery Performance

Thank you to all parents/ carers who were able to attend the children performing 'We all go travelling by' yesterday. They were so proud to share their learning of the story with you and have loved doing all of the vehicle actions too! We hope you enjoyed it as well. 

Our learning this week


We have had another whirlwind week!
Firstly, we have been sharing a new book in class called Lost and Found. The story involves a little lost penguin and it is a great book for the children as it promotes the moral values of friendship and helping one another. These are values that we are always looking to promote in school!

The children have had the chance to use role play in their English lessons this week. They have used a mask to pretend to be the penguin or the boy character from the book. The children pretending to be the boy have asked their friend the 'penguin' questions from the book such as 'where do you come from'? This has been really beneficial as they have been learning about how to ask a question and also how to write a question, using the all important question mark (decorated full stop)! The role play also helps the children see things from others' point of view. 

Here is Jack from our class having fun pretending to be the boy from our story!

This week has involved ice, ice and more ice! Needless to say the children have really enjoyed their interactions with it! For our Topic work we have used Rainbow Talk to discuss ice using our senses.

Here is Ben joining in on our group discussion on ice!

We have also used ice in our Maths lessons on time. The children held a piece of ice (again a very exciting sensation) and timed how long it took to melt in minutes and seconds. 

We also had another great session in the library, where the children eagerly chose books to take home to share with you. If you can please return the book ready for each session on a Tuesday then they can swap it for a new one.

This Wednesday morning we will be having a special forest school session as part of our Topic lesson. We will be using instruments to imitate different weathers such as rain and sunshine etc. The children do not need any special clothing but can they please have their usual winter coats, gloves and hat as we will be outside all morning weather permitting!

Here's to another great week!

Mrs Temprell

Addition and Subtraction

Last week we used counters and a
number line to help add two numbers together.

This week we have been solving subtraction problems such as
20 Superheroes, 3 flew away.  How many left? 
 Can you solve the problem? Can you make up your own problem?

Our English learning!

This week as part of our English learning we have been focusing on the Lost and Found story. We have been thinking of the different questions that the boy might have asked the penguin and other characters in the story. We have done lots of writing and role play activities using hot seating too.  

Maths Athletics

We have enjoyed Maths Athletics. 
We had to jump over the hurdles, get the number
sentence and take it back to our group to solve it together!

Green Class Superheroes

Look at us posing as Superheroes!
We used a camera to take a photograph and then
used these pictures in our artwork!

Outdoor Balancing

Today we went outside and found different places to balance. We then created our own three stage activity course. Here we are practising our balances.


Do you get ever get frustrated? We felt frustrated when we made paper chains this week so we decided to give each other advice to help us to deal with our frustration.

  1. Take deep breaths
  2. Ask for help
  3. Have some fresh air
  4. Do a different task
  5. Relax
  6. Go back to it when we are ready

The Twits

We are enjoying reading The Twits at the moment and decided to take freeze frames of the key points of the story. We went outside so that we could use the different equipment as well as lots of space to be Mrs Twit who is up the air being stretched!

Forest School

On Tuesday we had an amazing day in our Forest School area. We measured different liquids in ml, we weight different objects and drew lots of lines across the playground. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves as well as talking through lots of our learning with our partner. We have continued our learning in the classroom but it has helped us to create a picture in our heads of what measure actually looks like

in practice!

What a busy week we have had!

The children have been super busy this week out in forest school, making posters about Fairtrade, creating dartboards to show the meaning of synonyms and doing lots of measuring during maths. Can you practice any of the skills you have learnt this week over the weekend?

Fantastic Homework!

Wow what a lot of homework we had to show today! 

After showing our homework we had the chance to share them in more detail with our friends and ask each other question, it was fantastic! Everybody has spent so much time on their homework's with their families that it was nice to share ideas.

Well done everyone, I can't wait to see next weeks!

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...