We've finally made it to the end of the term...and I would like to say a huge well done to all of Orange class for their hardwork and super performing this week in our school play! They were all superstars! :) Unfortunately because of the busy-ness of the last day we haven't managed to give out homework so I have posted it below. These will be stuck into homework books in January.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, I know that we are all ready for a rest and time to eat lots of delicious goodies. Thank you for all of my presents, I cannot wait to open them on Christmas Day. See you all in the New Year! Miss Stanley
Thank you very much for a wonderful term Lilac Class, I have loved being your teacher. Good luck with the rest of your reception year. Thank you so much for the lovely cards and presents too. Have a lovely Christmas! x
Thank you to everyone who has attended the Parent Phonics Workshops in Nursery. I hope you feel that it has helped to support your child(ren) with their understanding of the pure sounds and the way we teach phonics in Nursery.
There is one more session left on Wednesday afternoon at 12:40. See you there.
Next week we will be learning the letter sounds 'l' and 'h'. It would be lovely if you could look for items beginning with these sounds and bring them into Nursery.
We are having lots of fun in our Christmas jumpers today raising money for Save the Children.
We have also been designing our own Christmas jumpers by drawing, cutting and sticking a range of materials and using the computer. This is the jumper Olu designed using the interactive whiteboard.
Whilst the blogs have been down we have been doing lots of exciting learning. In Maths we have been investigating Multiplication and the links with repeated addition and equal groups. We have been describing how any equal groups we have and how many were in each group.
We are now using this investigating to help us to solve multiplication questions which use our 2's, 5's and 10's. In English we have read Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers (My favourite Author!!) and we have spent lots of time retelling it in different ways.
We have just used our super knowledge of the story to write the story ourselves using a group plan. We had to use conjunctions and: Exclamatory sentences - "How rough the waves were!" - Josh Commands - "Get rowing Penguin" - Blake Questions - "Why is there a penguin at my door" - Laci Noun phrases - They travelled on an old, dusty boat to the South Pole" - Scarlett.L
We have been super busy practicing singing, acting and our lines for our Christmas performance next week and everyone is doing amazingly! It has all been very exciting putting it all together and it would be really helpful if you could continue to practice lines (and songs!!) at home....remember to use those loud voices!! An email has also been sent home about costumes and some ideas for you. Please see one of the Year 2 teachers if you are unsure about anything :)
This half term we've had lots of fun learning about The Great Fire of London. We have learnt lots of facts about what happened and produced fact booklets all about it. Why don't you come and see some of our lovely booklets on our 'WOW' wall in the classroom?
We all had so much fun at our Christmas Fayre this year, with a very special visitor joining us in the Grotto! The Enterprise club made a profit of £160 on their Christmas Stall - AMAZING! Merry Christmas everyone! Ho Ho Ho!
Welcome back to the Lilac Class blog. We're so happy to be back up and running to keep you up to date with our learning.
Here are some of the things we have been up to: We have been looking at the features of sentences and identifying capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Then we have had a go at writing sentences of our own. We have been practicing using our Fred Fingers to spell words. We're using these skills to help us to write our own non-fiction leaflets about dinosaurs. We loved our afternoon in Forest School and made dinosaurs out of natural materials.
In maths we have been finding one more and one less. We have also started to learn the skills of addition and subtraction. We have practiced counting objects and actions that cannot be moved too.
Preparations for the Christmas performance are well underway and we have also been ordering pictures from the Christmas story as part of our RE learning.
Keep popping back to see else we are getting up to now that the blog is back up and running!