Friday 18 December 2020

Purple Class Nativity 2020!

 I hope you all enjoy our First Christmas Nativity. We're are truly sorry you couldn't come to watch this year but hopefully this will bring you some Christmas cheer! Have a wonderful break, see you all in January. 

Love Miss Hannon and Mrs Rowan

Pink Class Christmas Nativity

Firstly I would like to thank the children for being superstars this half term! We have done some fabulous learning and had to remember a lot of songs. 

All of pink class have tried really hard to perfect our nativity in a very short space of time. 

Here is the link 

I would also like to thank everyone for your generosity. Myself and Mrs Critchley love our job and look forward to seeing your child grow and develop every day. Being recognised for this makes us feel very special! 

We hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Take Care, 

Miss Greenhoff xx

Christmas Sing-a-thon Fundraiser Event

 The children in Yellow Class really enjoyed singing for such a good cause.  We have been raising money for a defibrillator.  Ask your child what a defibrillator is used for? 

Please click the link below to listen to our super singing. 

 When Santa Got Stuck Up a Chimney

Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer

Christmas Party Time in Green

We have had an amazing day in Green Class celebrating Christmas!

Thankyou for all your presents and cards, they are very much appreciated.

We hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Our Nativity

 Thank you for all the support over this last term. Please find below the Nativity video for Lilac Class. We hope you enjoy it. Have a lovely Christmas!

Merry Christmas

Jingle Bells 

Please follow the link for our Christmas performance of Jingle Bells.

Thursday 17 December 2020


 Oh we have had a busy week in Turquoise! We have been calender making, card making, Christmas bauble making, singing at the local care home and performing our Christmas showcase for our lovely families! We hope you enjoyed it.

Thank you so much for your support this year, it really is appreciated. Have a Merry Christmas!

We will see you in 2021!

Miss Cross and Mrs Gage

Monday 14 December 2020


We loved performing our songs for the singathon in our outdoor classroom.

Please click on the links to enjoy watching our singing!

Thank you so much for all of your hard work finding sponsors and helping us to fundraise! 

Friday 11 December 2020

Winter Multi Skills Activities

 Orange class enjoyed playing different Christmas themed activities this morning. 

London Buses

This week in Green Class, we have made our London buses. First, the children designed their bus and then made them using a variety of techniques. All of the buses could move as they were made with wheels and axles.

We hope the children enjoying playing with their London buses at home.

Pink class Sing a-thon

 Thank you so much for all of you generous donations for the sing a-thon. Pink class really enjoyed themselves. 

Here are the links to watch the videos - 

Thursday 10 December 2020

Super Scientific Testing!

 In Science we have been learning about materials and their properties. We took part in an investigation to see which material would be most suitable for a coat for our class bear, Ted. Our coat needed to be waterproof so he wouldn't get wet!

We were 'Team Work Trolls' and worked together so well in our teams when doing the experiment.

After we had finished with the experiment it was time to make a conclusion.

We concluded that foil or plastic would be the most suitable for a coat because they did not let any water pass through. This means that they are waterproof materials and they would keep Ted dry!

Well done Red class. You really impressed your teachers in this experiment!

How was life different now and then?

 In History this half term we have been learning about Samuel Pepys and why he is so famous. We learnt that he wrote a diary all about the Great Fire of London. Samuel wrote his diary using a quill. Can you explain what this is to your grown-ups?

We thought we would pretend to go back in time and use a quill instead of a pen.

Some of the children said they thought it was much harder to write this way!

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree...

This week in forest schools we created a christmas tree outside using only natural resources!

Have a look at our creation!


Christmas 'Sing a thon' Fundraiser! 

We will also be singing this song at our Christmas Showcase for you to enjoy! 

Merry Christmas! 

Monday 7 December 2020

Hibernating Hedgehogs!

 In Science, we have been learning about how and why some animals hibernate. We conducted a Science experiment to see which hot water bottle would retain the most heat. Can you remember was it the furry hot water bottle or the naked hot water bottle? 

We found out that animals need to keep warm over winter when  hibernating to survive. Next, we decided to make a hedgehog nest in Forest School to keep the hedgehog warm over winter. Can you name some animals that hibernate?

Lilac Superstars

 Lilac Class have had a very busy couple of weeks, We are so proud of the progress they are making. Well done Lilac Class.

Maths Number Bonds of 10

Number sequencing

Vocabulary Day

      Reading: Obb and Bob            History: Helen Sharman

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...