Sunday 29 November 2020

Friday 27 November 2020


Friday 27th November! Vocabulary day! We are always challenging ourselves and exploring the meanings behind new vocabulary at Beighton Nursery and Infant School. Today we had the chance to dress up as a word and explain its meaning. We had so much fun! Have a look at our amazing outfits. We are so creative!

We are Geographers!

In Geography this half term we have been learning all about the United Kingdom, its four countries and their capital cities. We can name them and locate them on the map! Our task was to create a booklet so that we could encourage tourists from all over the world to come and visit the United Kingdom and the amazing landmarks we have!
We had a go at recreating some landmarks after drawing and writing about them!
We also learnt what a compass was and why we might use it. The children were fantastic at directing Elma the Explorer around a map of the UK using compass points! Which direction will Elma need to travel if she is in England and wants to get to Scotland?
Then we learnt about the oceans and seas that surround the United Kingdom! We thought carefully about how we could travel to Northern Ireland! "We're going this way, that way, forwards and backwards... over the Irish sea!"
Finally it was time to put our booklets together! Here are some to look at:
Well done Geographers!

Vocabulary Day 2020

 Wow! What a busy but amazing day we have had! Thank you for all of your efforts in helping your children to dress up as their word. All of the children's costumes were absolutely fantastic and they could all tell us exactly what their chosen word meant. They really have learnt lots of new vocabulary today! Please check book bags for a list of all of the children's words and their definitions. We hope the children can now use them in their writing! Can you guess the word that each of us are dressed up as in these pictures?

Vocabulary Day 2020

Take a look at our amazing Vocabulary Day costumes! We have had such a fun day and we have learnt lots of new words.

Super Science

Today in science we have conducted an experiment to test which materials are waterproof and which are not. We had lots of fun finding out new things and we worked well in our teams. Well done Green Class!

Vocabulary Day 2020 Nursery

These are the fabulous words we used to dress up in Nursery for vocabulary day today; Santa, Carnivorous, Monster, Aquatic, Animation, Enchanted, Unicorn, Yes, No, Fragile, Police, Rainbow, Mini Mouse, Extinct, Security, Delivery, Seasons, Puzzled, Acrobat, Bonjour, Glitter, Fluffy, Tiger, Dinosaur, Superhero, Chilly, Frozen, Brave and Fungi. We chose some very tricky words and don't we all look awesome!

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...