Thursday 30 April 2020

Chapter 8

Enjoy Chapter 8! Lots of love, Mrs L xxx

More Super Home Learning

Hi Yellow,

I've had lots more emails through with lots of examples of super home learning and other fun activities. Well done children, looks like you are really keeping busy at home and having lots of fun! 

Alex has been busy creating his own mythical creature. What a fabulous drawing, Alex! He's also been researching endangered  animals and drawing and writing about them. Fabulous research Alex!

Harry K has also been researching endangered animals as well as baking a delicious chocolate cake with fresh strawberries on the top.

Some time work from Alex! Well done Alex!

The Very Busy Spider

This week our focus was the Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle. Lots of children at home have been enjoying this story and have sent their photos in. Some children have made spiders and counted the legs on, drawn and painted spiders, made spider webs and even gone on walks looking for spider webs. Well done everyone. I am glad you are enjoying the story this week!

More Home learning

Ruby spent last week making a paper mache ladybird. It looks wonderful Ruby well done!

Alorhi has been busy doing lots of learning in her book.

 Amelia has been on a local walk and came across these lovely painted pebbles.

Charlie and Farah have had fun learning at home too.



Henry and his sister made a rainbow wall at home. It looks fantastic!

 Naomi has had lots of fun in her garden putting on a show.
Alorhi, Charlie, Henry and Kaylie have all been enjoying baking at home too! These look delicious.


Home learning pictures

Hello everyone. These are the last pictures I have received from the Very Hungry Caterpillar story. Everyone has really enjoyed learning about this story and I have been so proud to see all of the learning you have done at home for it. Keep it up! 

Ethan has done a lot of learning about the story and even dressed up as the very Hungry Caterpillar. Amelia, Farah, Henry, Hannah, Matilda, Kaylie, Abi and Harry have also enjoyed making their own caterpillars, painted caterpillars or butterflies, and learnt about the lifecycle of a caterpillar. Well done everyone! 

Purple Class Home Learning

Here are just a few photos from this weeks home learning that you have kindly sent in. It is so lovely to see you all working so hard! Thank you for your effort, Miss Hannon.

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...