Thursday 19 December 2019

Moving Models

In Blue Class we have been creating our own moving models in our Design & Technology lessons.

We learnt about London in Geography when researching Capital Cities. We learnt that a mode of transport is buses.

We thought about what a bus needed to be and we even looked at axles and wheels.

The week after we made our own moving London buses!


Over the past two weeks we have being doing lots of learning related to Christmas in Green Class.

We went on a visit to the church, where we completed lots of Christmas activities.

We have been writing letters to Father Christmas based on the story 'The Jolly Christmas Postman'. We also made story maps of the Postman's journey.

On Wednesday afternoon we had our Christmas party. It was so much fun, and we even got to meet Father Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Green Class!

Wednesday 18 December 2019


This week we have continued with multiplication. We have been drawing and creating equal groups as well as using repeated addition.  To help us further we need to practise counting in 2,3,5,and 10's.

Tuesday 17 December 2019


This week we have been doing multiplication in our maths lessons, looking at the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. We have been using different representations to help our understanding including making equal groups and using repeated addition. 

We recognise the multiplication symbol as meaning groups of which helps us remember what it shows. We have even been counting in 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's in our heads. 

Have a go at 'Hit the button' at home to practise multiplication!

Monday 16 December 2019


This week Red Class are so busy writing our letters to Santa, learning all about 2D shapes and learning our Christmas carols to sing on Wednesday. We look forward to seeing you there! Thank you so much for all your help on our trips, workshops and with our learning so far. We love being in Red Class!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thursday 12 December 2019

A Festive Trip to The Church

Yesterday Year 1 visited St Mary's Church.

We explored the church and identified the different features such as the alter and the stain glass windows.

We made Christingles and we were told the Christmas story.

Thank you to all our parent helpers too!

Church Trip

Yesterday we had a lovely time visiting St Mary's Church in Beighton. We went on a 'trail' around the church to look at the different parts and what they are used for, the Vicar told us the Christmas story and we discussed what we had already learnt and we made a Christingle to symbolise the world.

Climate Change Vocabulary

In our English lessons we have started to look at the topic of climate change for our next piece of writing. On Monday we began by looking at lots of new vocabulary related to the topic.

We looked at the words...

We are aiming to write a persuasive text based on climate change and how this effects the polar bears. We had some really interesting conversations using our key vocabulary!
Can you remember what the different words mean?

Wednesday 11 December 2019

A Mysterious Letter

This week Blue Class received a mysterious letter in our Post Box. It was from Santa! 

He wrote to Blue Class to ask what each child wanted this year for Christmas. In English we will be focusing on letter writing so that we can write back to the North Pole.

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Nursery Church Visit

Today we visited St. Mary's Church in Beighton.  We had a look around the Church building, we met the Priest Mike, and we talked about the Nativity story. We finished off singing some Christmas songs. We had lots of fun learning about what a church. A big thank you to all the parents/ carers who joined us on the visit! Here are a few photographs from the day. 

Thursday 5 December 2019

Abstract Art

In Art we have been looking at Robert Delaunay's work. We have discussed the colours and shapes that he uses to create his art.

We had a go at using different sized circles to create own our art ready to paint in the style of Robert Delaunay next week!

Terrific Testing

Today in Science we tested a range of materials to see which would be the best to use to make a coat for Bertie.

We tested fabric which would be warm but it was not waterproof.

W tested plastic which was waterproof and flexible.

We tested foil and metal which were waterproof but not flexible.

Finally we tested paper which was not waterproof and it ripped easily.

We decided that the best material to use would be plastic! 

Super Science

Today we conducted an experiment in science to find out which material would be best to make a coat for Brown Bear. The coat had to keep him dry in the rain. We tested six different materials and found that foil, metal and plastic were waterproof. Take a look at the pictures of our experiment.

Wednesday 4 December 2019


In Geography we have been identifying the seven continents and five surrounding oceans. We have sang different songs to help us to remember and used a world map to find them. Did you know Asia is the biggest continent?

Making Equal Groups

This week in Maths we have been investigating multiplication. We started by finding equal groups of different objects so that then we could sort into two equal groups. Today we are moving on to creating equal groups of three. 
We also practised our timestables using the game 'Hit the Button' Here is the link if you would like to practise at home.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Year 2 Yellow Maths and English update

In English we have been reading and learning all about Polar Bears and are now just publishing our non-chronological reports about our 'Missing' Polar Bear complete with artwork.

One option for super Christmas presents and sharing and reading higher level texts are for Santa to perhaps bring one (or more) of these books that are recommended from this super English site:

In Maths we have been reinforcing our adding and subtracting facts and remembering that we need to ALWAYS put the larger number first in our calculation to help us to find the correct answer!
We have also been looking at money and how to find the correct change so it would be really helpful if you could support the children in this at home maybe by sharing different coins and asking them to find the correct amounts etc

We are now learning about our times table facts and have begun to sort items into groups/sets and 'lots of'  to reinforce how to find a total.

Please find the link below that helps children to play a 'safe' game that reinforces their knowledge of 2, 5 & 10 times tables! You could challenge your son/daughter to see if you can win!

Any questions please do not hesitate to ask!

Year 2 Yellow Class

Welcome to Yellow Class from Mrs. Hogg and Thank You for making me so welcome!

Since I arrived we have been so busy in Year 2 - we had our amazing Kelham Island trip where all the children were so well behaved and a credit with both their manners and their knowledge...the Kelham Island Education Team were blown away!

The children have learned so much from our History topic and have begun to make some super mini books to share with Year 1 all about the life of Harry Brearley the person credited with inventing Stainless (rustless) steel!

In DT we have begun to make our newly designed rides for the new Gulliver's Valley so we say Thanks again for all the donated cardboard and other recycled items.

In PE we have been up-levelling our skills in throwing,catching, attacking and defending the ball and searching for space within the playing area.

A separate blog will update you on our English and Maths progress!!

Monday 2 December 2019

Making Equal Groups

This morning in Maths we have been learning about equal and unequal groups. First we identified the different groups and then we made our own equal groups.

We used stem sentences to describe how many groups we had, how many were in each group and how many we had altogether. We are then going to focus on making groups of 2, groups of 3, groups of 5 and groups of 10 this week. This is preparing us to learn about multiplication next week!

Colour Mixing

In Art we are learning about the artist Robert Delaunay. Robert Delaunay created 'orphism' which is abstract art using different colours and shapes. We are going to be recreating his work this week but first we needed to practise using colours and mixing them. We have been using powder paint and mixing primary colours to make secondary colours. Can you practise this at home?

We also talked about how to hold a paint brush and how to do a careful brush stroke?

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...