Saturday 30 November 2019

Active Advent

We are excited to share with you our Active Advent. Please try some of these activities with your child(ren) at home and let your child's class teacher know how they have found it. We will also be taking part in some of these activities at school.


Friday 29 November 2019

Polar Bear Facts

This week in English we have written our polar bear non-chronological reports. We are really proud of our writing and next week will be publishing it to go on display.
Here are some of our interesting polar bear facts:
-Polar bears eat ringed seals.
-They prefer to hunt in late spring because the ice starts to melt.
-Polar bears have 42 long, sharp teeth.

Thursday 28 November 2019

Thank you to all the grown-ups that came to our Numicon Workshop this week! The children really enjoyed sharing the different ways that we use Numicon to support our learning in Mathematics. If you want to look back at the PowerPoint slides you will be able to find them in Currciulum / Maths on the website. We look forward to being able to sell the Numicon soon too! There will be more information to follow on how you can buy your own pack!

This week we have been making pictures to explore the difference between night and day. We noticed that at night time there are sometimes twinkly stars and a big, bright moon. Whereas in the daytime, we can often see the sunshine and fluffy clouds!

Wednesday 27 November 2019

2s, 5s and 10s

This week in Maths we have been learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have found this a little tricky and would definitely benefit from practising at home! Could you help us?

Tuesday 26 November 2019

space dome!

In Reception we have been learning about day and night by reading the story 'Can't you sleep little bear.' Along with this we had a special visit from the space dome to show us whats in space and how the solar system works.

Sunday 24 November 2019

Kelham Island Trip

We had a fantastic trip to Kelham Island museum yesterday! We started the day learning about the history of Sheffield and how the steel industry had such a massive impact on the area. We then watched a puppet show about the 'Book of Ironie' which was written by Harry Brearly who invented stainless steel. 

Next we found out about the steel workers in the early days. We learnt about what they wore and the process of making steel through teeming and pulling. It was great to have a go with the different artefacts and we loved trying on the outfits! We even had a go at making our own spoons, where we rubbed, rolled and cut, like they used to do in the the steel making workshops.

After lunch, we found out all about the bessemer convertor and the job that it did in the steel industry. We then went to the melting shop where we turned into a piece of iron and went through the different processes to become stainless steel. 

It was a fun-packed day where we could show off our knowledge of the Sheffield steel industry as well as learn even more facts. Now we can't wait to create out booklets all about Harry Brearley in our History lesson next week!

Friday 22 November 2019

Kelham Island

We had an amazing day at Kelham Island. We found out all about how Sheffield became the Steel City and how to make iron and stainless steel. One of our favourite parts was being a piece of iron ore and pretending to go through a 'play' bessemer converter so that we became a piece of steel. Here we are exploring and investigating.

Thursday 21 November 2019


In English we have been learning all about nocturnal animals. We know lots about owls and are now learning about bats! We have been analysing a non-chronological report and looking at the different features. Yesterday we picked out the nouns and the adjectives and underlined them. We underline nouns in blue and adjectives in yellow. Can you identify nouns and adjectives at home?

Tuesday 19 November 2019

children in need

Thank you for everyone's participation and donations for children in need, it was a really enjoyable day to celebrate a fantastic cause.

Friday 15 November 2019

Following Algorithms

In computing we have been following algorithms.

We learnt that an algorithm is a set of instructions.

We also learnt that algorithms need to be very clear otherwise the end result could be very different!

We then wrote our own to see if our partner could follow the instructions to make a tower in the right order.

Children In Need

Thank you for all of your donations today to support Children In Need. The children have loved dressing up, learning about how the donated money is spent and taking part in Joe Wicks' CIN Get Active event!

Parent Workshop

On Thursday we held our half termly parent workshop. We had such a great turnout and we learnt lots! The children really enjoyed taking part in the different Maths activities. Thank you to everyone who came!

Parent Workshop

We would like to say a huge thankyou to all the parents who made it to our workshop on Thursday morning! Green class had a fantastic time sharing our maths learning with our grown ups. We hope that you can use some of the strategies and games at home. We can't wait for the next workshop!


We have been using our knowledge of addition to solve addition number sentences involving money. This week have started to partition as a method for addition and created a rhyme to help us:

1.First partition the smallest number
2.Now you need to add the tens
3.But don't forget the ones!

Noun Phrase

This week we have been creating noun phrases from our polar bear research. Here are our noun phrases that we created together.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Remembrance day

This week in Reception we have been learning about Remembrance day by creating poppies, and focusing on our number of the week '5'.

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...