Sunday 21 July 2019

Adventures at Clumber Park

As part of our Adventure Topic we went to Clumber Park.  We listened to 'Percy the Park Keeper' story and then made homes for the aniamls.  We learnt about compass directions and went on a treasure hunt.  

We enjoyed visiting the Woodland Park where we explored the park and had great fun!  Even the sunshine came out!

Thank you to all the adults who managed to join Lilac Class on their adventure.   

Friday 12 July 2019


We have had such a great day dancing to raise money for our Forest School and new Sensory Garden. 

Thank you for all of your support, raising money whilst taking part in our non-stop, all day!

Thursday 11 July 2019

Excel Enrichment Morning

On Tuesday 9th July we enjoyed a visit to the Excel Academy.  
We talked about how we were all feeling at this time of year, with the changes that are happening for us all.  We learnt some great strategies to turn all the nervous feelings into excitement.
We were all 'Have a go Hercules' and joined in with lots of new activities which helped us to build up our confidence, resilience and self-esteem.
Our parents also joined in with lots of the activities and were amazing role-models for us all.  Together, we all had so much fun! 

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Clumber Park

We had a great day at Clumber Park yesterday. We were busy making dens for animals in the woods. Then we found some pirate treasure on our hunt through the park. Thank you to all the parents that helped out! 

Monday 8 July 2019

Sports Day

Here are some pictures of a lovely, sunny day at Sports Day on Friday! We had a fantastic day!

Friday 5 July 2019

Nursery Sports Day

We had lots of fun in Nursery today for our sports day.  We played a game to warm our bodies up and noticed our heart was beating faster. Then we took part in a number of races including a running race and balancing a beanbag on a bat race. Then we came back to Nursery and completed an obstacle course. 

Harvey "I liked balancing the beanbag the best".
Ava "I liked the running race".
Cohen " It's all about the taking part". 
Amelia " I liked jumping on the obstacle course".

Thursday 4 July 2019

Counting in 5's

This week in Maths we have been consolidating our knowledge of counting in 5's. We started the week creating groups of five, using repeated addition to count up the groups. Once we were confident with this we started using the multiplication sign to show that 3 x 5 means 3 groups of 5. Then we moved onto sharing into 5 groups, using the division sign to show this, e.g. 20 ÷ 5 means 20 shared by 5. 

We worked together in pairs to share amounts by 5. 

Can you have a go at sharing these amounts by 5 at home?

Can you share 26 equally by 5? Let me know your answer!

Wednesday 3 July 2019

Harry Maguire Writing

Over this half term we have loved learning about keeping healthy, sport and we loved our trip to the EIS. As part of our 'Ready Steady Go' topic we have been learning about a local footballer , Harry Maguire. We know lots of interesting facts about him! Have you spotted our amazing writing in the windows or on the 'Amazing Work' wall? Have a read! 

Floating and Sinking

This week we have been learning about floating and sinking in our Science lessons. First we looked at what the words floating and sinking mean. We then looked at different objects and the materials they were made out of. Using our previous knowledge we made predictions about which objects we thought would float and which ones we thought would sink. We then tested each one and recorded our results in a table.

Using what we learnt about floating and sinking on Monday, in DT we then designed our own boats. We were given a design brief and we chose the materials we wanted to use. Then we got busy building! Our boats were all very different!

Finally on Wednesday we tested our boats to see which ones floated! We made a tally of our findings to practise counting in 5's, which we've been doing in Maths. We found that all of our boats floated because we used materials like cardboard and plastic.

I wonder what other materials we could have used to make our boats float?

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...