Tuesday 25 June 2019


Every Tuesday morning Y2 will be taking part in cricket sessions lead by an external coach. We can't wait to play more cricket today! 

Can you remember the different types of protection that cricketers wear? Can you remember the different positions on the pitch? What are you called when you throw the ball at the person batting?


On a Tuesday for this term Orange class are taking part in some exciting cricket sessions with a coach. It was been great learning the skills so far and working hard to keep the ball under control. 

Our Trip

We had such a fab time on our trip last week, we loved looking around and watching all of the athletes training and taking part in different sports. We also were lucky enough take part in an athletics session and learnt lots of new games which we can now use in our PE lessons! 

Our favourite part was definitely curling, to was great to have a go at a sport which we wouldn't normally get to try! I was so impressed with everyone's have a go attitude! Well done Orange Class.

Thursday 20 June 2019


This week in PE we have been learning skills to use in the game of Cricket. We enjoyed learning how to field and used our bodies to block. We cannot wait for next week when we will be starting to play a short game!

Our Trip

We had an amazing day at the English Institute of Sport! It was fantastic to see where so many athletes train as well as taking part in some athletics activities and curling. The curling was was very cold but we loved it on the ice!

Wednesday 19 June 2019

English Institute of Sport

Today we visited The English Institute of Sport and Ice Sheffield. We really enjoyed it! We had a talk about healthy food, we had a tour, we took part in athletics and we even took part in curling on the ice at Ice Sheffield. We had never heard of curling before so we were really interested. What a fun day it was! 

Tuesday 18 June 2019

The Deep!

Yesterday we had a fantastic day at The Deep! We learnt all about the different sea creatures!


We walked through the underwater tunnel where we spotted stingrays, catfish, and lots of tropical fish!

We also took part in a fantastic workshop where we learnt about the habitats of different sea creatures. 

We even spotted sharks and a turtle! 
What was your favourite part of the trip?

Monday 17 June 2019

Our Trip to The Deep

Year 1 have had a fantastic day at The Deep! We have seen and learnt about lots of different types of sea creatures.

We watched the tropical fish which live in the coral reefs.

We watched the sharks inside our lift which took us up through the aquarium.

We watched the jellyfish which live in the cool seas.

I wonder if you can spot Nemo the Clownfish?

We walked through an underwater tunnel where we could watch the sharks and sting rays.

We also spotted the penguins which live on the ice.

We really enjoyed our workshop too, we learnt about the different habitats of marine life.

What an exciting day!

Bling your bike/ scooter day

Well done to all the children who took part in the 'Bling your bike or scooter day'.  They looked fantastic and I am pleased with how much effort those children put into it. We have another week left of our Active Travel Challenge so please keep coming to school in an active way. It not only benefits our environment and the local area but it is a great form of exercise. Here are some of your fantastic 'blinged up' bikes and scooters..

Beighton by the sea...

In Nursery we had our very own seaside party.  The children were invited onto the train. They all practiced writing their names on the train tickets. We travelled on the train and arrived at the seaside.  We had fun listening to seaside sounds and we pretended to splash in the sea and make sandcastles.  We made pirate hats and decorated flags to use for our sandcastles.  We finished off the session by enjoying an ice cream and dancing to 'baby shark'. We then had to catch the train home after a wonderful time at Beighton by the sea. 

Thursday 13 June 2019

Whale Blubber Experiment

As part of our 'Under the Sea' topic in Year 1, we have been learning about animal adaptations. We have learnt that all animals have to adapt and change to the habitat they live in. This week we have been learning about the sea creatures that live in the polar seas.

We have focused on whales and how they survive in the cold waters. We learnt that they have a thick layer of blubber under their skin which keeps them warm in the freezing temperatures.

We tested how cold the icy water felt with our hands.

We then covered our hands in blubber and compared how cold the water felt after.

We learnt that whales would not be able to stay warm without their blubber and that the blubber could keep humans warm too!

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...