Thursday 31 January 2019


In PE we have been lucky enough to have Andy come in to teach us gymnastics. 

This week we have been making sequences and patterns using balances.

We wonder if you are as good at balancing as we are!

Wednesday 30 January 2019


In PE we have been jumping from one location to another.

 How far can you jump with two legs?

How far can you jump on one leg?

What helps you to jump further?


This week in Maths we have been finding fractions of numbers. To help us we have shared these numbers into specific parts. For example for halves we have shared into two parts, quarters into four parts and thirds in to three parts. We decided that if we had an amount we would rather half it than share it into quarter and thirds as we would get more.  We have explored fractions through different contexts and we discussed when we need to use them. 

When do you use fractions at home?

Sir David Attenborough

Today we have started to learn about a new explorer... Sir David Attenborough. We are really intrigued to find out more about him so we have been practising using the suffix -est to ask him question.

What is the scariest animal you have touched?

Have you ever crossed the deepest ocean?

Could you climb the highest mountain?

Where is the hottest place you have travelled to?

Tuesday 29 January 2019


This week we got into our imaginary planes and flew from Kenya to India. We learned lots about India and even tried some Indian food. The children said it tasted delicious. 

Friday 25 January 2019

Colour Mixing Fun!

In Art we have been looking at Pop Art. We used our observation skills ands talked about what we noticed. We said that it was bright and colourful. We then thought about how all of these colours are made. We talked about the primary colours and learnt that these are blue, yellow and red. Then we did some experimenting! First we predicted what the colours would make when mixed together, and then we had a go ourselves.
We made orange, green and purple. Can you remember which primary colours we mixed together to make these colours?

Salt dough dinosaur fossils

Lilac class have been very busy making their own dinosaur fossils, using salt dough. 


1. First we had to mix the salt dough ingredients together in a bowl. 

2.The next job was to stir in the water. 

 4. We then kneaded the dough to make it warm and soft. 

5.We left the dough to stand for 20 minutes. 

6. We then rolled out the dough and pressed in our fossil bones to make our imprint. 

7. We left the salt dough to dry over night. 

8. We then painted and decorated our salt dough fossil. 

Can you remember what ingredients we used to make the salt dough? 

Tuesday 22 January 2019


In response to finding out a polar bear had gone missing from the Yorkshire Wildlife Park we wrote some lost posters using all of our polar bear knowledge. We hope it will help people understand more about polar bears and we hope it will be found. We have been focusing on using alternative words and amazing vocabulary. We are so proud of our work!

African drumming session

Here are some pictures from our African Drumming session. We really did have lots of fun following the beat and singing some songs together. 

Monday 21 January 2019

Around the world...

So far this half term we have visited the cold polar regions and talked about the different animals that might live at each of them. Why not ask your child about where penguins and polar bears live?
While learning about cold places, some children made snowmen and some explored our fake snow, talking about how it felt when they touched it. 

Next we visited a hotter country in Africa, called Kenya. The children have learnt how to say hello and we have practiced this word during the register- "Jambo".
We looked at some Kenyan jewellery and even made our own necklaces at the workshop and threaded pasta in the finger gym. 

The children even got to experience an African drumming session. They had so much fun following the beat and singing the songs with the teacher. Keep visiting our blog to see what else we learn about!

Super Shields!

In Green Class we have been really enjoying our new topic - Superheroes! We have been getting busy with some hands on learning. We decided that a Superhero needs a shield to protect themselves from the Villain. After creating our own Superhero characters for our English story writing, we then decided to make them a shield in our DT lessons.
First we designed our shields and talked about the materials we would use to make it, thinking about the qualities a shield should be such as strong and sturdy.
Next we got busy making our shields, using lots of different materials including cardboard, plastic, foil, and paper mache.
Then we thought carefully about our superheroes outfits and our designs, and decorated our shields using tissue paper, paint, glitter and coloured paper.
Finally we looked at each others shields and gave our opinions. We then thought about our own and decided what we had done well and what we could do to improve them next time.
What would you like to make next in DT?

Thank you

I would just like to say a huge thankyou to all parents, carers and children who took the time to donate to our Family of Schools food drive last week. You have been very generous and it will make such a difference to the S20 Foodbank and the local community who rely on this service. Another thank you goes to the Beighton Bees who helped Mrs Clark sort the items ready for collection.
Mrs Challoner 

Investigating for clues

What an interesting day!

We started our day by receiving a video message from the Dinosaur. We thought about questions we might ask the Dinosaur if he was to come into our classroom. We then went outside to search for clues. We worked in small groups as a team, listening to each other and taking turns whilst jotting down what we found. 

Come to our open door session tomorrow to find out more!


In Maths we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. We know that 2D shape is a flat shape and a 3D shape is a fat shape. 

We have played with the mystery bag where children have to describe their shape and their friends have to guess what shape it is. 

We also used playdoh to create patterns using shapes. Some children made houses and rockets. 

Challenge - Tell your grown up how many corners a square has?
                 Tell your grown up how many faces a cuboid has?

Wednesday 16 January 2019


This week we have been learning how to divide using the sharing method.

Can you have a go at this at home?

Here is an example of the way we share:

This would be 4 ÷ 2 = 2.
This is on our working wall.

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Dinosaur Den

We had great fun creating a Dinosaur Den!
Can you make a dinosaur den at home?  
What materials will you use? 

Super Shapes!

 This week children have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes.
We made dinosaurs out of shapes.  Can you remember the names of the shapes we used?
How many sides did the 2D shapes have?

We explored 3D shapes.  We counted how many corners, edges and faces the 3D shapes have. 
 We made 3D shapes.   It was quite tricky!
Can you go on a shape hunt at home and find 
a cube, cuboid and sphere?


Lilac Class had a great time at the Dinosaur Workshop.  
They explored real life dinosaur fossils.

 A Tyrannosaurus Rex came to visit us!  
How did you feel when you saw the T Rex?  
What did you like the most about the workshop?

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...