Monday 23 July 2018

Welcome and goodbye!

We have one day left of our transition to Y2 and our new Yellow Class children have settled in fantastically! We have done some transition activities and some different learning. The Summer Learning Challenge has been sent home in book bags today and the children are really excited about completing it. 

Good luck to the Yellow Class Year Three's 'to be' in your new school. You will be amazing!

Have a lovely summer!

Friday 20 July 2018

The last few days in Pink Class...

Here we are celebrating our Goalathon win! Well done Pink Class for scoring the most goals!
 Here we are enjoying some painting for our Arts Week. 
Well done Pink Class for a brilliant year! We hope you enjoy all of your learning in Year One. 
Thank you for all your kind words, cards and gifts. 
Have a lovely Summer!
 Love from Miss Bates and Mrs Longmore xxx

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Let's Celebrate!

Our last few days in Purple Class

We have had a lovely last few days in Reception. We have painted portraits so we can compare these against the ones we did last year to see how much we have changed. We have been to the forest school and made potions, head bands, tree rubbing and we even found a hedgehog that we took care of and made sure he was happy. 

What will you remember the most about your time in Purple Class?


We had a lot of fun during Goalathon last week, we tried really hard and scored lots of goals. 

Well done everybody.

How many stamps did you get on your card?

Monday 16 July 2018

It's a goal!

Green Class were amazing at our Sponsored Goalathon. 
They tried so hard to score as many goals as
they could in half an hour! 
Can you remember how many goals you scored?

Sunday 15 July 2018

C'mon Lilac class!

Hello everyone!

On Tuesday 10th we had our sponsored 'Goalathon' where the children had to score as many goals as possible in 30 minutes. The children stamped their total onto individual goal cards - they got to bring these home as a keep-sake! Each class was in competition for the highest total goals! The children enjoyed waving their banners that they made in Open Door and cheering their friends on. Although we didn't come first, we did really well with 137 goals! Well done lilac class! It was great to raise some much needed funds for the school, thanks for your support!

Mrs Temprell

Thursday 12 July 2018


Blue Class have been working hard learning a song that they would like to sing to all their grown ups on Tuesday's Open Door. We would love to have you there!

The Deep Leaflets

Blue Class have been making their own leaflets all week with information all about the Deep! We looked at lots of existing leaflets and picked out the key features. We then used these to help us create our own. We have worked very hard on them!

Our Great Goalathon!

 We had a brilliant time doing our Goalathon on Tuesday! Here are some of us cheering really loud with our banners that we made. 
Go on Pink Class!

This looks like a good shot! 

Here we are enjoying our icepops! 😊


Red Class had so much fun taking part in the 'Goalathon' yesterday! 

Which team are we supporting? 

So many goals scored too! 

Wednesday 11 July 2018

What a Goalathon!

What a fantastic day we had yesterday! The children threw themselves into the event with enthusiasm and excitement. They cheered and encouraged each other in their attempts to secure their class as the Goalathon Champions. The winning class, and the total amount raised, will be announced on Friday in our Celebration Assembly. Here are a few images of the day and a full feature will appear in Newsletter at the end of term.

It's a goal!!!!

Nursery had so much fun on Tuesday for the Goalathon event.  Lots of children came dressed in their sports clothes ready to help raise money for school funds. We had 30 minutes to score as many goals as we could and we all had an ice lolly treat after to help us cool down. Thank you to all parents and carers who made a donation. 

Tuesday 10 July 2018


We had so much fun this afternoon at our Goalathon! All the children did their best to score as many goals as they could during the time limit they had. We cheered each other on and used our banners to encourage our team. Go team yellow! 

Here are a few pictures of the event. We hope you enjoy them and thank you for your sponsor money!


We have loved Goalathon this morning! Thank you to everyone that has sponsored us and for supporting us!

Friday 6 July 2018

World Cup Excitement

This afternoon Blue Class have been preparing for the England match tomorrow by making England flags. Come on England!

Getting ready for the Goalathon!

At Open Door yesterday we were getting ready for our Goalathon on Tuesday! We were all team work trolls and made banners to use.

We all had different ideas and our banners looked lovely. We're all really excited!

Well done Pink Class! Lets hope we can score lots of goals!

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...