Friday 29 June 2018

Our Adventure to the Woods!

We had a brilliant adventure at the woods on Wednesday. We found a seesaw made of logs!
 We did bark rubbings on the trees!

 We loved climbing in the trees!

The children had a fantastic day and loved all of the exploring. A huge Thank You again to all the adults that came with us too!

What did you like the best about our adventure?

Thursday 28 June 2018

We won!

Last week we were joint winners with Pink and Lilac class in winning the attendance award.
Well done for coming to school everyday.

Can you spot the trophy in the picture?

Adventure to the woods

We had a great day out yesterday.
We played some games on the field and had a picnic then went on into the woods to build dens, leaf hunts, make picture frames from natural materials, bark rubbing and lots more.
Tell your adult your favourite part of the day.

Creating Stories

Last week in the Forest School we made our own musical instruments. We really enjoyed listening to the sounds that the different objects in the Forest School made. 

This week we have enjoyed creating imaginative stories to tell to our friends using the Forest School to help us with our ideas. We were teamwork trolls and worked well together to do this. 

We love learning in the Forest School!

Wednesday 27 June 2018

The Nursery children had so much fun on our trip to Graves Park on Tuesday.  We had a look around the farm and we even got to handle a few animals too. What was your favourite animal? We had fun at the park and because it was  so hot we had ice creams to cool us down.

Map Skills

This week, Red Class have been busy developing their map skills. They have been using the school grounds to follow simple maps, as well as creating their own. 

The children are really excited to now map out their 'dream' school!! 

Letters from Poland

Red Class were really excited to receive letters from our link school in Poland! 

They are now busy working on writing their replies. 

We are really excited as a school to get our International links underway! 

A visit from a REAL scuba diver!

Well yesterday was a real treat! 

Year 1 had a visit from a Scuba Diver. 

She came into school with all of her equipment to share with us. 

Red Class could not believe all of the specialist equipment that is needed to dive to the bottom of the ocean! 

We even got to see some amazing pictures and videos taken under the sea! 

Friday 22 June 2018

Poetry Day

Poetry Day 

Lilac class have a had a lovely week learning all about poetry. The children have been focusing on a poem called ‘On The Ning Nang Nong’ By Spike Milligan. 

The children enjoyed reciting the poem adding actions and choosing musical instruments to represent the sounds in the poem.


The children recorded themselves reading the poem using 'Talking Postcards'.

They have also been finding rhyming words and also making up their own rhyming strings too!

Can you remember the 'On The Ning Nang Nong' poem? Can you tell it to your grown up?


Marvelous Multiplication

This week we have been learning how to multiply through repeated addition and using arrays. We have used lots of different methods like painting our arrays with cotton buds and using fun stickers to make our arrays. Maybe you could have a go at home!

The butterfly life cycle

We have had some very tiny visitors this week, which helped us to think about the butterfly life cycle.
The girls thought about what we could name them.
Tell your adult what the caterpillars will turn into next?

Poetry Day

This week we have celebrated 'Poetry Day'
We listened to poems and had a go at writing our own and reading them to the class.
Can you remember who our key poet was?

Poetry Day

On Monday we celebrated Poetry day through lots of fun activities! We learnt a Julia Donaldson poem, wrote our own rhyming couplets and then performed our poem with actions. We had lots of fun.


As part of our topic we travelled to Eureka and had a fantastic time. We found out lots about the human body as well as other topics in Science such as sound, materials and everyday life like shopping and banking! We even played lots of roles including being the dentist, the doctor and even the mechanic.

Here are some pictures of our trip!

Thursday 21 June 2018

Poetry Day

On Monday we celebrated Poetry Day and blimey did we have lots of fun. During Assembly we learnt the poem 'On the Ning Nang Nong' which really got our tongues twister and throughout the day recited other poems. We also had a chance to write our poetry and then created artwork and drama to represent a poem. 


What a fantastic day we have had in Year Two! We have learnt so much today by playing and doing. We have been sound technicians, dentists, doctors and even clambered up a pretend nose! It has been a brilliant day and we are very proud of the children. They have engaged in all the activities, used their manners at all times and their behaviour has been outstanding!

P4C at Rother Valley

On Monday some Reception children and some Y2 children went to Rother Valley with other schools in our family to take part in a Philosophy for Children event. 

The underlying principle of P4C is for children to support and strengthen thinking, reasoning, speaking and listening skills which all link to improved self esteem. 

One of the enquiries was about Tilly The Teapot who was one of the teachers pets, she loved to eat tea bags and loved to go for walks on her lead! We had lots of discussions about what makes something alive and asked lots of questions to find out more about Tilly. 

In P4C sessions we always show respect to each other by listening and looking at the speaker. If we want to answer a question we wait and hold out our hand to speak. 

The children had a brilliant morning and came up with lots of lovely ideas. Well done everyone!

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...