Friday 25 May 2018

Blue Class Showcase

We would all like to say a big thank you to the grown ups that came to see our showcase this week. We hope you enjoyed watching it as much as we enjoyed performing! The children were fantastic and I was very proud of them. We've had a great half term learning all about toys and we can't wait for next half term. I hope you all have a fantastic week and enjoy the sun.

See you in June,

Miss Salisbury

Language Map

Language is a key part of your child's learning and in order to be able to think, speak and write they need this vocabulary. This vocabulary is related to our new topic and gives you a starting point of what we will be learning about. Please talk with your child the meaning of some of these words and practise saying, spelling and writing them correctly.

Home Learning

Have a lovely half-term and thank you for all of your help and support. It really does make a difference. Here is next half-term's home learning if you want to make a start after you have had a big rest!


We have been learning about branching databases this half term and created own so that we sort different animals. Did you know that an octopus has a brain? This helped us to sort animals that live on land, under the sea and in the air?

Happy Holidays!

Have a fun but safe half term.

I hope the sunshine comes back to visit us.

When we come back to school please bring back PE kits to be kept on pegs and book bags everyday with your reading book and reading diary in and your key word pack.

See you on Wednesday 6th June!

Forest School fun

We love going to the forest school! 

We learn to work in a team, we challenge our self and we make sure we are really brave. 

Tell your adult the special words we use in forest schools when we find something tricky.

More and Fewer

This week in our Maths learning we have been using the words more and fewer. 

We have also been estimating different amounts.

Challenge - tell your adult what the word estimating means.

Open Door

 This week in Open Door we looked through our books and shared our learning with our grown ups. What was your favourite thing about our Space topic?

Thursday 24 May 2018

Planting our own beanstalk

We have been following Jasper's instructions to plant our own seeds. We are hoping they will grow to be as big as Jasper's beanstalk.


Wednesday 23 May 2018

Animal and Minibeast visit

Today has been a very exciting day for Nursery as we have had some very special visitors.
We have learnt about a variety of insects, mini-beasts and animals.
We all looked closely at them and we could even hold them.
 We had to be really careful and gentle.

We will be sharing our photographs of the visit during our Open Door, tomorrow.

Monday 21 May 2018

Sporting Achievement!

This weekend a member of Orange class was in the final of a football tournament! We are very proud that she got all the way to the final and think it was amazing to get that far....a big WELL DONE from the whole of Orange, we are very proud of you! :) 

Friday 18 May 2018

Beside the Sea!

This week we brought the beach to our classroom.
We listened to sounds of the sea and used our senses 
to help us describe what it is like being at the Seaside.  

 What adjectives can you think of to describe 
what you can hear and see when at the beach?

Active Maths!

We have been making clocks outdoors.  
Is the hour hand the small one or the longer one?

We took turns to call out a time to make.  
We then jumped, skipped or ran to the clock to quickly make the time.

Butterfly release

We were all excited to release our butterflies, today.
The children chose names for them. The morning children chose to call the butterflies Amber and Olivia and the afternoon children chose Rosie and Rosie Bloom. The children wrote down their name suggestions and brought them into school.



 This week in our Maths we have been learning all about measuring in standard and non standard units. 
 At Open Door this week we drew around our hands and feet and measured them using straws. Our grown ups did the same and we compared the sizes. 
Have you practiced measuring any other things at home? 

Outdoor Classroom Day and Maths Of The Week

Outdoor Classroom Day and Maths Of The Week

Lilac class have had a fun time doing lots of their learning outdoors this week. Here they are enjoying their number work in a very active and energetic way!

A Big Thank You!

Miss Salisbury and Blue Class would like to say big thank you to all the grown ups that came in yesterday morning to help with our vehicle making and all the grown ups that provided us with the resources to do so! We think we all did a fantastic job and the vehicles look great, what do you think?








This term we have been reading the Dragonsitter and learning about the author Josh Lacey. We have read the first book and we have nearly finished 'The Dragonsitter Takes Off'. We like these stories because they are funny and they are written using emails between Morton and his uncle. We have designed our own egg and written descriptions about it. 

During reading time at school lots of us have been choosing to read the other Dragonsitter books with each other and on our own and lots of these books have been going home. It's lovely to see so many children learning about a new author and enjoying his books!

I am looking forward to finding out who our next author will be!!

Micheal Rosen

We have been watching Micheal Rosen performing lots of his poems and short stories. 

Our favourites are: Chocolate Cake, Strict, The Micheal Rosen Rap and We're Going On a Bear Hunt. We have watched them lots of times this year and we are beginning to be able to perform them at the same time as Micheal Rosen.

We love his poems because they are funny and they repeat themselves. We think the way that Micheal Rosen changes his voice and face is great and they always make us laugh!!

Could you watch one at home and then tell us a review at school?? If you like the one you watch we could watch it as a class!

This weeks maths...

This week have been doing lots of different maths. We have recapped doubling and halving, missing number facts to 20 and greater than and less than. There have been lots of challenges for us to complete and we have been applying our learning outside in groups.


Can you try some of this maths at home or make up your own challenges?

Outdoor Classroom Day

We moved around the playground as a caterpillar.
We had to move carefully and slowly.
We played ring games and sang songs together.



Computing Outside!

This week we have been learning about branching databases. We had to think about making our questions really precise so that the animals would be sorted into different groups. We had to keep thinking of questions until there was only one animal left for each one.

We also make some online using this website: 

Can you have a go at home and make your own?

Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...