Monday 30 April 2018

Using our forest school area...

Red Class absolutely ADORE using our Forest School area for their learning! 

The children are learning about story writing, specifically 'settings'. 

They used different settings around school to describe. 

CHALLENGE - Choose a setting at home to describe. It could be your garden, bedroom or even your bathroom! 

Think of as many adjectives as possible and put them into full sentences. 

Friday 27 April 2018

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

This week we have been ordering the story
'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'

We talked about what the caterpillar ate each day and counted the fruits.

Our little furry friends

We have been excited watching the growth of our caterpillars.
We are looking forward to seeing the chrysalis being formed.
We have created our own caterpillars and have painted symmetrical butterflies.

Lost in the Toy Museum!

We are enjoying the story 'Lost in the Toy Museum'. 
Children have been acting out the story and describing the main character Bunting.
How do you think Bunting felt when all the toys ran away?

We have used adjectives to describe different settings.
We went to Forest Schools and described what we could hear, see, feel and smell.
What adjectives can you think of to describe the setting you are in at the moment?



Our new topic is Toys! 
Mrs Critchley came in to share a very special old teddy and doll. 
Can you remember what materials they were made out of?

 We went outside to explore playing Victorian Playground Games. 

Money Money Money!

This week the children have been using
money to buy items from the Role Play Toy Shop.
We are becoming more confident in recognising coins.

 We enjoyed Maths of The Day drawing amounts and making amounts with coins.
How many different ways can you make either 22p or  65?  Which coins could you use?




Super Space!

 We had a brilliant day on Monday! Jenny visited us from the History Van and we learnt lots about space. Here we are trying on some Space outfits. We learnt about the Spacemen Buzz, Michael and Neil. 
 We tried some Space food. Pink class tried Mint Choc Chip Ice Cream!
 We tried out the Space blankets and huddled together to keep warm. 
Here's another picture of one of the space suits we tried. It was very hot!

The New Gruffalo

This week we have been writing our own Gruffalo stories. We decided that our stories could be set in the ocean, the rainforest and the Arctic. Come and read our stories.... they begin with our new animal taking a stroll into the deep,dark .....


Did you know you can practise your spellings by writing in bubble writing, doing spelling aerobics and outside using chalk? Here we have been practising our numbers.


This week we have been learning habitats and we decided where different animals live. Where do you think a sloth might live?

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Recognising the value of coins

Red Class have been working so hard on recognising coins and understanding the value of each coin. 

They were finding different ways to make a given amount using the coins. 

Here are some ways the children made 10 pence...

2p + 2p + 2p + 2p + 2p = 10p

5p + 5p = 10p 

1p + 1p + 2p + 2p + 2p + 2p = 10p

5p + 1p + 1p + 1p + 2p = 10p 

1p + 1p + 1p + 1p + 1p + 1p + 1p + 1p + 1p + 1p = 10p 

How many ways can you make 15p? 

Write the number sentences to show what coins you have used. 


Red Class were lucky enough to be chosen to represent Beighton yesterday at an Athletics Competition at The English Institute of Sport. 

They put in every bit of effort and skill they had!! We are all very proud. Well done Red Class. 

Tuesday 24 April 2018


We have really been trying to perfect our spelling in Yellow Class. We have been practising our Y2 Common Exception words and the words from our word packs. 

Can you try this at home too?

We have been having a go at the spelling without looking, then having a peep at the correct spelling. After that we have been writing it lots of times to make sure we can remember how to spell it!


This week in Maths we are learning to double.

We have been using the doubling machine to help us understand how doubling works.
We have also been making rockets with the same amount of spots on each side.

Challenge - find the answers

Double 5 is.......
 Double 9 is........
Double 3 is.......

Red words

We have been practising our red words by reading them and writing them on foil from space.

Practise these red words at home:

Space Workshop

We had a super day yesterday. Jenni came in from 'The History Van' to help us learn about space.
We looked at things we might find in space, tried on some space clothes, made rockets, space pegs and tried space food. 

What did the food taste like?

What did you enjoy the most?

Monday 23 April 2018

Our super Space day!

Greetings Earthlings!

Today we have spent the entire day learning about our topic Space. We had a lovely lady who came to our school for the day to tell us lots of facts about Space. 

We also got the chance to do activities with a Space theme. The sessions were really hands on for the children, they got to create medals, make rockets, try on Space suits and even try Space food like a real astronaut!

We had a grand finale in the hall at the end of the day, where we propelled the rockets into the air with the aid of water mixed with Alka Seltzer! The children were very excited when they blasted off!

Can anyone remember what the force is called that holds us down on Earth and stops us floating away?

Mrs Temprell

Friday 20 April 2018

The Caterpillars have arrived!

We have been really excited to look at some new additions to our Nursery! We can't wait to see them grow and become butterflies.


Home Learning w.c. 21st June

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. Here are some suggested activities that you could try at home.  You can send in any pictures or messages ...